Student Affairs
Psychological Emergencies
A psychological crisis exists when an individual is threatening harm to oneself or to others, or appears to be out of touch with reality.
During normal business hours (M-F, 8am-12pm, 1pm-4:30pm):
- If there is concern for immediate harm to the person or others (e.g. someone with a weapon threatening to use it on self or others; someone putting him/herself in harm’s way), call 911. Clearly state you need immediate assistance, giving your name, your location and the potential danger. If the situation allows, then call Illinois Wesleyan Campus Safety at 309-556-1111 (or x1111 from a campus phone), notify Campus Safety of the situation and ask them to call Counseling and Consultation Services and share information about the crisis.
- If the nature of the situation appears to be a crisis but there appears to be no sign of potential imminent (immediate) danger, call Counseling & Consultation Services (CCS) at 309-556-3052 (or x3052 from a campus phone), identify yourself, clearly state that you are dealing with a psychological crisis and need to consult with a clinician. In consult with the clinician, it may be determined that a clinician will come to your location, that you may accompany the person to (CCS) to meet with a clinician immediately or that 911 should be called.
After hours (after 4:30pm M-F or on Saturday or Sunday): Contact Campus Safety at 309-556-1111 (or x1111 from a campus phone).

Karla Carney-Hall - Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Department - Dean Of Students