Student Handbook
The Student Handbook is intended to inform the Illinois Wesleyan University community about policies and procedures concerning students. It consolidates information from many sources on topics ranging from academic processes to University services. It seeks to assist in the orientation of new students and to provide all students with an up-to-date reference on significant matters relating to University life.
In order to preserve the rights of individuals, groups, and the University, it is essential that all students are aware of all institutional policies and regulations.
It is the responsibility of each student to be knowledgeable with the contents of this Handbook. For their own benefit, students are urged to familiarize themselves with all relevant portions of the Student Handbook and ask for clarification of any information by contacting the Dean of Students Office.
Discrimination Clause
Illinois Wesleyan University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity and expression, disability, or national origin in its admissions policies, educational programs and activities, or employment policies. Inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policy should be directed to the Office of the President, Illinois Wesleyan University, P.O. Box 2900, Bloomington, IL 61702-2900.
Illinois Wesleyan expressly recognizes the requirements of Title IX legislation. Title IX complaints should be reported to the University's Title IX Coordinator, who is Karla Carney-Hall, Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students (Holmes Hall 103, 309-556-3111,
Illinois Wesleyan University does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. The Vice President for Business and Finance, the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, and the Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Standards are designated by the University to coordinate all efforts to comply with Section 504 and its implementing regulation 34 C.F.R. Part 104 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. All questions should be directed to the University compliance coordinators indicated above.
Illinois Wesleyan University does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. The Vice President for Business and Finance, the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, and the Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Standards are designated by the University to coordinate all efforts to comply with Section 504 and its implementing regulation 34 C.F.R. Part 104 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. All questions should be directed to the University compliance coordinators indicated above.
- VP of Business: 309-556-3022, Holmes 109
- Student Affairs: 309-556-3111, Holmes 103
- Associate Provost: 309-556-3667, Holmes 211A
The programs, policies and regulations contained in this handbook are subject to change without prior notice, and the University specifically reserves the right to make whatever changes may be necessary at any time. It is the policy of Illinois Wesleyan, however, to give such notice of planned changes as will ensure adjustment without undue inconvenience. Toward this end, substantial changes are usually made effective only at the beginning of a term. Inquiries in regard to policy changes which are not published or which are pending should be addressed to the Office of the President.
Complaint Procedures
The Provost and Dean of the Faculty is open to student complaints or suggestions concerning the quality of academic courses and programs, the performance of faculty members, the effectiveness of other aspects of academic administration (facilities, records, the calendar, standards, etc.). Students should first bring such concerns to the attention of the department, school, or program head. If a satisfactory resolution to the concern is not possible, then students may submit their concerns to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty in writing or arrange a conference. Confidentiality of such communications will be strictly maintained on a need-to-know basis to prevent fear of reprisals by those subjected to criticism unless the student gives explicit permission for the information and/or his or her name to be used.
Division of Student Affairs Programs and Personnel
The Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students is very interested in hearing student complaints or suggestions about University policies in the following areas: Career Center, Counseling and Consultation Services, Diversity and Inclusion, the Hansen Student Center, Health Services, Residential Life, Campus Safety, and Student Involvement. The Dean also is open to comments concerning the performance of staff members in these areas. Students may submit their concerns in writing or through a personal conversation. All such contacts are held in the strictest confidence as regulated by Federal guidelines and long-standing University practice. Names are used only with the student's written permission.
Non-Faculty Employees
The Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students and Director of Human Resources are open to student complaints or suggestions regarding the performance of non-faculty University employees. Students may make such complaints in writing or through personal conversation. The Dean of Students Office is authorized to adjudicate or mediate disputes between students and non-faculty employees in cooperation with Human Resources. Confidentiality of such communication will be strictly maintained on a need-to-know and timely basis to prevent fear of reprisals by those subjected to criticism.
Other Individuals
The Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students and Director Human Resources are open to student complaints or suggestions regarding the performance of individuals or business representatives who provide a service to the University. Students may make such complaints in writing or through personal conversation with the Dean of Students Office or Human Resources. Confidentiality of such communication will be strictly maintained on a need-to-know basis. Timely investigations will ensue, and the complainant will be fully informed of its progress.
Medical Amnesty Policy
- The health and safety of members of the Illinois Wesleyan University community is a primary concern.
- Students need to seek immediate medical attention for themselves or others when someone's health and/or safety is at risk.
- Students may be reluctant to seek assistance for themselves or someone else for fear of facing consequences from IWU for policy violations.
- IWU seeks to remove barriers that prevent students from seeking the medical attention they need.
Note: This Policy only provides amnesty from violations of the Illinois Wesleyan's Alcohol Policy and Substance Policy. It does not grant amnesty for criminal, civil, or legal consequences for violations of Federal, State, or Local law. The Protections of this Medical Amnesty will not apply to violations that are egregious, in the sole judgment of the Dean of Students or designee, including, but not limited to, hazing, sexual misconduct, weapons possession, possession of drugs that induce incapacitation (e.g. Rohypnol or other "date rape drugs"), and all drug offenses beyond mere possession.
- Students who seek emergency medical attention for themselves related to consumption of alcohol or other drugs, or intoxication will not be charged with violations related to that consumption of alcohol provided that the student subsequently meets with the Associate Dean of Students. In that meeting, the Associate Dean will work with the student to determine what, if any, appropriate educational program or counseling assessment might be helpful to the student. Failure to schedule this meeting or complete required educational or counseling program may result in judicial charges.
- Students who seek emergency medical attention for someone else will not be charged with violations related to consumption of alcohol or other drugs, or intoxication, provided that the student subsequently meets with the Associate Dean of Students. In that meeting, the Associate Dean will work with the student to determine what, if any, appropriate educational program or counseling assessment might be helpful to the student. Failure to schedule this meeting may result in judicial charges.
- This policy only applies to individual students. In circumstances where a student organization encounters a situation whereby one of their members or guests requires emergency medical attention related to consumption of drugs or alcohol or intoxication, the student organization is required to seek immediate medical assistance and remain with the individual experiencing the medical emergency until medical assistance arrives. In the event of such a scenario, the organization will be eligible to apply for medical amnesty under this policy which will be granted under the sole discretion of the Dean of Students or designee. If a representative of a student organization seeks medical assistance, this act of responsibility may mitigate potential consequences for violations of the Student Code of Conduct or other University policies that could arise against the organization, i.e., the fact that an organization sought help will be favorably considered in potential sanctioning for university policy violations.
- This policy applies only to those students who seek emergency medical assistance in connection with an alcohol or drug-related medical emergency and does not apply to individuals experiencing an alcohol or drug-related medical emergency who are found by IWU employees. (i.e. University Police, Faculty, administrative staff, residence hall staff).
- The Illinois Wesleyan University Medical Amnesty Policy is not intended to shield or protect those students or organizations that repeatedly violate the Alcohol and Substance Policy. In cases where repeated violations of the IWU Alcohol and Substance Policy occur, IWU reserves the right to take judicial action on a case-by-case basis regardless of the manner in which the incident was reported. Additionally, IWU reserves the right to adjudicate any case in which the violations are egregious.
- Application of this policy does not preclude students and organizations from being charged with other violations of the Student Code of Conduct or University policies related to the incident (e.g., property damage, physical violence, disorderly conduct, being in possession of false identification, etc.).
Whistleblower Policy
Purpose and Applicability
The purpose of this policy is to set forth Illinois Wesleyan University’s policy on Board member, faculty, staff and student, disclosure of misconduct, including those relating to accounting or auditing matters, and to protect Board members, faculty, staff and students from retaliation in the form of an adverse employment and other action for disclosing what the Board member, faculty, staff or student believes evidences certain unlawful practices. This policy is applicable to all Board members, faculty, staff and students of Illinois Wesleyan University.
Statement of Policy
It is the policy of the Illinois Wesleyan University that Board members, faculty, staff or students shall be free without fear of retaliation to make known allegations of alleged misconduct existing within Illinois Wesleyan University that he or she reasonably believes constitutes the following: wire fraud, mail fraud, bank fraud, or questionable accounting, internal controls, and auditing matters. It is further the policy of the University that Board members, faculty, staff and students shall be free without fear of retaliation to make known allegations of alleged misconduct existing within Illinois Wesleyan University that he or she reasonably believes constitutes a violation of the University’s stated policies, procedures or legal obligations.
A Board member, faculty, staff or student shall not take or refuse to take any employment or other action in retaliation against any individual(s) or organization who discloses information regarding misconduct under this policy or who, following such disclosure, seeks a remedy provided under this policy or any law or other Illinois Wesleyan University’s policy. Retaliation for disclosures made under this policy may result in suspension, termination, removal from campus or any other action the University deems necessary.
Process for Disclosure
A faculty or staff member or student shall disclose all relevant information regarding evidenced misconduct to the following designated intake officers, in accordance with the subject matter of the disclosure:
Subject Matter | Intake Officer |
Academic Concerns | Provost and Dean of the Faculty |
Athletic Rules Violation | Athletic Director |
Employment Concerns | Director of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator |
Illegal/Unethical Business Practices Or Financial Improprieties/Fraudulent Accounting (including but not limited to: Wire fraud, mail fraud, bank fraud, Securities fraud or questionable accounting, Internal controls, and auditing matters) |
Vice President for Business and Finance |
Safety/Security Issues | Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students |
Student Concerns | Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students |
Other | Vice President for Business and Finance |
If the disclosure is by a Board member it shall be made to the Chair of the Business Affairs Committee, unless the complaint involves the Chair of the Business Affairs Committee, in which case the complaint shall be to the Chair of the Board.
Any disclosure shall be made in a signed written document within ninety (90) days of the day on which the complainant knew or should have known of the misconduct.
- The intake officer shall consider the disclosure and take whatever action he or she determines to be appropriate under the law and circumstances of the disclosure.
- In the case of disclosure of misconduct involving the designated intake officer, the disclosure shall be directed to the University’s President. The President shall consider the disclosure and take whatever action he or she determines to be appropriate under the law and circumstances of the disclosure.
- In the case of disclosure of misconduct involving the President, the disclosure shall be directed to the Chair of the Board of Trustees. The Chair of the Board of Trustees shall consider the disclosure and take whatever action he or she determines to be appropriate under the law and the circumstances of the disclosure.
- In the case of disclosure involving financial misconduct, the intake officer shall also provide the disclosure to the Executive Committee for their review and consideration. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to resolve the matter.
If the disclosure involves a member of the Board of Trustees, the disclosure should be directed to the President of the University or Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Complaints of Retaliation
- If a Board member, faculty, staff or student believes that he or she has been retaliated against in the form of an adverse employment or other action for disclosing information regarding misconduct under this policy, he or she may file a written complaint requesting an appropriate remedy.
- For purposes of this policy, an adverse employment action shall be defined as actions including: discharge, demotion, suspension, being threatened or harassed, or in any other manner discriminated against with respect to compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment. Other adverse actions include: dismissing, suspending or disciplining a student or changing or lowering a grade or evaluation of a student or in any other manner negatively affecting the student’s academic career. This policy does not prohibit an employment action or any other action that would have been taken regardless of disclosure of information.
Process for Adjudication of Complaints Stemming From Disclosure
- A Board member, faculty, staff or student must file a complaint with the President of the University* within ninety (90) days from the effective date of the adverse employment action or from the date on which the Board member, faculty, staff or student should reasonably have had knowledge of the adverse action.
- Complaints shall be filed in writing and shall include:
- Name and address of the complainant;
- Name and title of individual(s) against whom the complaint is made;
- The specific type(s) of adverse actions(s) taken;
- The specific date(s) on which the adverse actions(s) were taken;
- A clear and concise statement of the facts that form the basis of the complaint;
- A clear and concise statement of the complainant’s explanation of how his or her previous disclosure of misconduct is related to the adverse employment or other action; and
- A clear and concise statement of the remedy sought by the complainant.
- Within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the complaint, the President of the University shall consider the written complaint, shall conduct or have conducted an investigation which, in his or her judgment, is consistent with the circumstances of the complaint and disclosure, and shall provide the complainant with a determination regarding the complaint.
- The determination shall be in writing and shall include the findings of fact, the conclusions of the investigation, and, if applicable, a specific and timely remedy consistent with the findings. The decision of the President of the University* shall be final (or the Chair of the Board of Trustees, if the complaint involves the President of the University).

Prince Robertson - Dean of Students for Community Standards and Advocacy
Department - Dean Of Students