Incoming Student Information
Students in their first year at Illinois Wesleyan are housed in one of two halls: Munsell and Ferguson . Besides being a great place to meet other students and build community, residence hall living results in higher grades, better graduation rates and higher satisfaction with the college experience compared to peers who don't live on campus.
Once the Admissions Deposit is received, students are sent orientation information
and materials, and access to the web portal. It is through this portal that students access their email, and the housing
and roommate matching information is emailed to the address. Learn how we pair students with roommates or how you can actively seek a roommate,
including pairing information for students who welcome the opportunity to live with
an International student, those who are LGBTQIA , or who want to request an accommodation based on a medical or mental health need . If you have someone specific you want to live with, please put that in your housing
Important Dates
The roommate matching process takes place in three rounds. In each round, students who have completed the housing application (which includes the roommate matching questionnaire) by the deadline are matched with other students and placed in residence halls. Any student who needs additional consideration (because a roommate leaves the IWU class, or we are not able to find the right match, for instance) is re-housed in the next future cycle.
If Transfer Students deposit by March 1 and have completed housing applications, they may be eligible to complete housing selection with returning students.
- May 15: Deadline to complete housing application for inclusion in roommate matching round 1
- May 28: Roommate matching round 1 notifications distributed
- June 15: Deadline to complete housing application for inclusion in roommate matching round 2
- June 26: Roommate matching round 2 notifications distributed
- July 20: Deadline to complete housing application for inclusion in roommate matching round 3
- July 29: Roommate matching round 3 notifications distributed
- August 20: New Student Orientation (Turning Titan) begins. Residence Halls open for all new students, check your MyHousing page for your move-in time
- August 21: New Transfer Student move-in and Transfer Student Turning Titan Orientation begins
- August 23: Residence Halls open for all returning students
- August 25: Classes begin for fall semester
Housing Application
The housing selection process for students entering IWU in the fall begins in February. Students who have submitted an admissions deposit will be emailed (to the email address) instructions on filling out the online application.
Once students have received their "" email address, included in the IWU Pre-Orientation Materials mailing, they should follow the instructions delivered to their email address. Here are a few points to keep in mind regarding the housing application:
- All housing applications, selection, and notification processes occur online. Although we hand-match roommate pairs, our online process makes data handling much more effective, and therefore we are able to make assignments more efficiently.
- Housing assignments are made using the timeline above for those who have completed the housing survey. Please keep in mind that housing is guaranteed for all first-year students, regardless of enrollment date.
- Students who have not received Pre-Orientation Materials should contact the Office of Orientation Services ( Materials may take up to two weeks to be sent after your deposit has been received.
We have two halls to choose from when coming in as a first-year student, Munsell, or Ferguson. We also offer the Rainbow Floor in Dolan Hall for our LGBTQIA students. If you are interested in living on the Rainbow Floor, please fill out the application here . If you have more questions about the floor, please reach out to the Area Director responsible for Dolan Hall or email
We also have another affinity housing community for our BIPOC identified students, Josephine Mabel Jackson (JMJ).
If you do not have access to the Internet from home, you may want to use a local library or school district computer.
Our roommate assignments are made through a careful process of hand-matching based on responses to the online survey, student are sorted by gender, hall preference, and lifestyle choices
- Individuals are then hand-matched with a roommate
- Roommate pairs are placed on floors characterized by broadly shared interests
Room placements and roommate assignments are made throughout the summer.
- Room/roommate placements happen in mid May, mid-June, and late-July
- Assignments are emailed to the email address with a reminder to check out
details on the MyHousing Portal (so the ability to access and email by
this time is essential!).
- The assignment includes:
- Hall and room number
- Roommate name and contact information
If an assigned roommate seems like a questionable match, what do we do?
First, assure that it's not a superficial reaction. A scan of a Facebook page or
initial email exchange may not provide the best first impression. What are the core
issues of concern?
Second, consider whether those core concerns and manageable. Is this a chance to
get to know someone who brings a different experience, perspective or value system
to college? Roommates don't have to be best friends, but rather need to be respectful
and communicative.
Finally, if the core issues of concern are not manageable, contact the Office of Residential
Life, and we can discuss the potential for re-assignment to a new hall and roommate.
Can a student request a specific roommate?
Students have the opportunity to indicate a preferred roommate on their housing survey/contract.
Students who mutually select one another will automatically be housed together as
roommates. For students who do not indicate a preferred roommate, the Residential
Life Professional Staff hand match them with students who respond similarly to the
lifestyle preference questions on the online housing contract.
Why is the housing survey so involved? Other schools just ask a few, if any questions!
We take pride in our hand-matching process. While sorting through over 450 contracts and matching individuals with one another based on lifestyle preferences is a time-consuming process, we believe that our individualized treatment is worthwhile. Since we began matching roommates this way, our staff reports a dramatic decline in the number of roommate conflicts and moves that occur in the first semester that students live in the residence halls. This is not to suggest that we can predict and eliminate every potential conflict that students will have with one another, but our goal is to place students with others who share their interests and/or preferences. Once students are paired with a compatible roommate, roommate pairs are placed in halls, and then on floors based on shared interests (such as music or volunteerism) as indicated on the housing contract.
Whenever a large group of people live together, there is a need to develop expectations for behavior which promote an environment that enhances the achievement of community goals. These expectations provide for the protection of everyone's rights so that community members can pursue their educational objectives without interference. The Illinois Wesleyan community has identified expectations and is committed to the concept of shared responsibility for maintaining the quality of life in the community.
Therefore, as a member of my residential community...
- I will respect the dignity of all persons. I will not demean individuals or groups by insulting, intimidating, harassing, or discriminating. I will strive to learn from and respect differences in people, ideas and opinions.
- I will strive for personal integrity and support the academic endeavor.
- I will demonstrate concern for others, for their feelings, and for their need to be supported in their academic and personal development.
- I will respect the rights and property of others.
- I will do all in my power to see that the residence hall is kept clean and attractive, knowing that such an environment is essential to both physical and mental health.
- I will respect the common areas of the building that are used by all residents. I will not damage university property, remove lounge furniture, or smoke in any common area.
- I expect all members to abide by these community guidelines and to strive for high moral and ethical standards. I have the right and the responsibility to voice my opinion and concerns to any individual who disregards these tenets for community living.
Things we suggest to bring to make the room complete. Of course every student may have different needs, but this gives you a good start. Items we consider essential are starred (*). All other items are allowed unless otherwise indicated. Make sure to consult your roommate to avoid purchasing doubles of items like lamps or appliances!
- Extra-Long Twin Sheets* (All beds are 80 inches long)
- Comforter*
- Mattress Pad*
- Pillow(s) and Pillow Cases*
- Blanket*
- Towels and Washcloths*
- Shower Shoes/Flip Flops*
- Shower Caddy
Storage and Organization
- Storage Solutions/Organizer (we suggest purchasing after you see the room)
- Hangers
- Mirror - Full Length
- Trash Can (Recycle Bin included in room)
- Trunk (Convenient storage and table in one)
- Laundry Bag/Basket
- HE Detergent
- Drying rack (that fits in room)
- Iron (auto-shutoff)/Ironing Board
- Cleaning Supplies
- Paper Towels
Grooming/Personal Supplies
- Soaps/Shampoo/Conditioner
- Toothbrush/Toothpaste
- Hair Products/Hair Dryer
- First Aid Kit
- Thermometer
- Prescriptions/OTC Medications*
- Notebooks, Binders, Folders
- Computer/Laptop
- Laptop's Charger & Locking Cable
- Cell Phone & Charger
- Ear Buds/Headphones
- Gaming System
- Power Strip w/Surge Protector (UL Approved)
- TV
Room Comfort
- Desk and/or Floor Lamp & Bulbs (must be LED, no halogen or incandescent bulbs allowed)
- Refrigerator (up to 4 cubic feet), Energy Star Rated (rent it!) Watch the video (here!)
- Microwave (up to 700 watts), Energy Star Rated (rent it!)
- Coffee Maker (with Auto-Shutoff)
- Wall Decor/Area Rug
- Fan (large and/or clip)
- Stereo (be courteous of others, leave large systems/subsubwoofers home)
- Plant (try something that doesn't need daily care!)
Miscellaneous Useful Items
- Backpack
- Sports Equipment for outdoor/Shirk Center use (rackets, balls, bicycle - click for IWU Bike Information)
- Flashlight/Batteries
- Sealable Food Storage Containers
- Dishes/Cups/Silverware
- Can Opener
- Reusable Water Bottle
- Umbrella/Raingear
Personal Information
- Lockbox
- ATM/Credit/Debit Card(s)*
- Drivers License*
- Insurance Cards*
- Passport/Visa
- Message Boards/Dry Erase Boards on outside of room
- Candles, Candle Warmers & Incense (no Decorative Candles)
- Electrical Appliances with open heating elements/coils (Toasters, Hotplates, Convection/Toaster Ovens, Air Fryers, Sandwich Makers, George Foreman Grills, Waffle Makers)
- Wireless Routers/Networks (WiFi provided on campus)
- Halogen Lamps
- Pets (fish are allowed)
- Street Signs, Barricades, or Street Cones
- Alcohol and/or Alcohol Containers
- Space Heaters
- Air Conditioning Units
Log-in instructions for students
Go to My Student Body and click REGISTER NOW to create your account.
Put TITAN in for your school code, and then follow the prompts for demographic and personal information.
You will be taken to the My Student Body My Stuff page.
Select "Take Now" under the Essentials Course header.
Once you complete the course, you will be asked to complete a survey, and then you can claim your certificate of completion. You will then be taken to the My Stuff page. You do not need to send in your certificate. We receive a notification that you completed the course.
Incoming Student Housing Requirement
National studies confirm that choices regarding the use of alcohol can significantly affect student's residential and academic experience. As a residential campus, it is our goal that all IWU students have taken the time to consider or reflect on choices made concerning alcohol usage. We hope the My Student Body program will raise thoughts or questions to discuss with parents and friends before coming to IWU.
All incoming students are expected to complete the full Essential Course (Alcohol, Drug, and Sexual Violence sections) with a passing score of 80% or better before registering for housing. You will have 3 attempts to complete the course.

Doug Meyer - Associate Director of Residential Life for Housing Operations
Department - Residence Halls-operations