Fraternity & Sorority Life Policy Handbook
Effective Date: 08/01/2018
Updated: 01/04/2021
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Procedures for National Fraternity/Sorority Expansion/Extension
Fraternity and Sorority Recognition
Privileges of Recognized Fraternities/Sororities
Procedures for Registration
Chapter Thrive Program & Minimum Expectations
Roster Rules
Social Event Planning & Health and Safety Guidelines
Housing Policies
The Office of Student Involvement strives to encourage the intellectual, social, recreational, and moral development of individual students and student groups. The office provides activities, programs, services and resources that facilitate education and entertainment. The Office of Student Involvement and the Hansen Student Center provide the environment and opportunity for informal associations and interactions among the university community. The office is designed to stimulate an interchange of ideas, activities and opinions; to develop an appreciation of our diverse society; to contribute to an enjoyable campus environment.
The Office of Student Involvement provides opportunities for students in fraternities and sororities to grow and develop through active participation in their organizations. Through advisement and programming, we seek to ensure that all members have a safe undergraduate experience of high quality that reinforces the founding principles of fraternities and sororities: scholarship, community service, leadership, campus and community involvement.
Once a member, students will find many opportunities for growth as young adults in fraternities and sororities. Through positions of leadership in the chapter participation in service projects and raising funds for philanthropic charities provide students with opportunities to learn life skills and make a difference in the community.
The Division of Student Affairs is committed to the recruitment and retention of a diverse and qualified student body, and to providing services that enhance their personal development and contribute to the fulfillment of their goals. The following procedures contribute to the implementation of this policy.
Illinois Wesleyan desires to continue its healthy working relationship with the fraternity and sorority community and all of its member organizations. By maintaining a clear set of guidelines for the registration and recognition of those groups, the university will keep open those existing channels of communication and support.
These policies and procedures shall be in conformity with the Guidelines and Procedures for the Governance and Registration of Student Organizations, as published in the Student Organizations Handbook, as well as the Student Policies and Regulations, as published in the Illinois Wesleyan Student Handbook.
Office of Student Involvement
The Office of Student Involvement is part of the Division of Student Affairs and provides
education, programming, support and assistance with the discipline process for the
activities of each of the individual fraternities and sororities and their membership.
The Office of Student Involvement serves as liaison to Illinois Wesleyan and Bloomington
in affairs affecting the fraternity and sorority community.
Fraternities and Sororities. Fraternities are either college’s men’s organizations, a college women’s organization, or a college group open to people of any gender identity. A women’s sorority is an organization of college women. Both fraternities and sororities encourage scholarship among members, social interaction, leadership and friendship. They also participate in university-wide events, and contribute to community service projects.
Fraternity & Sorority Governing Councils. These bodies are representative councils of member fraternities and/or sororities. Each council is housed within and supervised by the Office of Student Involvement. All social fraternities and sororities are required to maintain membership in their appropriate governing council. Illinois Wesleyan currently supports Fraternity and Sorority Governing Councils as listed below.
- Interfraternity Council (IFC), 1934 . The IFC is the governing body for fraternities
associated with the inter/national Interfraternity Conference (NIC) and the Fraternal
Leadership Association (FLA). Included among its main responsibilities are promoting
membership recruitment in the spring and fall and operating a student judicial system
for its member fraternities. Listed alphabetically, including the year the local chapter
was founded, they are: Acacia (1957), Phi Gamma Delta (1866), Tau Kappa Epsilon (1899),
and Theta Chi (1926).
- College Panhellenic Council (CPH), 1910 . The CPH is the governing body for all sororities affiliated with the inter/national Panhellenic Conference and any local sororities who have gained associate member status. It serves as coordinator and sponsor of various educational and social programs and membership recruitment activities, and promotes cooperation among its member sororities. Listed alphabetically, including the year the local chapter was founded, they are: Alpha Gamma Delta (1914), Kappa Delta (1908), Kappa Kappa Gamma (1873), and Sigma Kappa (1906).
Membership Definitions . Membership in a fraternity or sorority at Illinois Wesleyan includes, but is not limited to the following:
- New Member, Associate or Candidate for membership. The following activities indicate
if a student is a new member, associate or candidate for membership:
- Has been offered and accepted a bid (invitation to join),
- Is fulfilling academic requirements within the organization,
- Has an open invitation to all Chapter events (social functions, service events, etc.),
- Can be found on the chapter’s roster,
- Attends organization meetings,
- Studies fraternity/sorority information,
- Is assessed fees by the local and/or inter/national organization,
- Wears or buys paraphernalia associated with the fraternity/sorority organization,
- Participates in university events/activities such as registered student organizations, Homecoming, or social and educational events with the fraternity/sorority community, or,
- Participates in service activities with the organization.
- Active, Initiate or Member. A student is considered an active member if they are involved
in any of the following activities:
- Has completed pledgeship, or the associate/new member education program, or the membership intake process and has been introduced to the ritual of the organization through initiation or other means,
- Is fulfilling academic requirements within the organization,
- May attend all Chapter events (social functions, service events, etc.),
- Can be found on the Chapter roster,
- Is assessed regular dues to the local and/or inter/national organization,
- Attends organization meetings,
- Has a vote in Chapter business,
- May hold an office or committee chair in the organization,
- May be an official representative of the organization,
- Participates in the education and training of the pledges, new members, associates, or candidates for membership, and,
- Participates in university events/activities such as intramurals, Homecoming, or Greek Week with the fraternity/sorority.
**Hazing, at any level of membership in the organization, is strictly prohibited at Illinois Wesleyan. For further definitions and policies regarding hazing, refer to the Illinois Wesleyan Code of Student Conduct.
A hazing incident may be reported to Illinois Wesleyan by anyone: a person who was directly affected by the activity, a person who was involved in the incident; staff, parents, friends, or community members; or anyone who is generally concerned about a student or group. If you have witnessed or have knowledge of a possible hazing incident, please report the incident immediately. Our ability to investigate hazing incidents depends on the accuracy and specificity of the information you provide. You are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible so that appropriate action can be taken to address the behavior. If you choose to give your contact information, that information will remain confidential. However, if you choose to not submit contact information it will be much more difficult for incidents to be investigated. Your identity will not be disclosed to the individuals or groups in question.
Definition of a Chapter Activity. An event will be considered a chapter-sponsored activity under any one or more of the following conditions:
- The organization has a financial commitment to the event,
- Officers and/or members of the organization have spent time in an organization meeting planning or preparing for the event,
- The organization has provided representatives of the organization to facilitate the planning, preparation and/or implementation of the event,
- The event is advertised and the advertisement makes any mention of the fraternity or sorority,
- The chapter creates or causes to be created any promotional materials for the activity, including sale of tickets or promotional items which mention the activity,
- Transportation to the activity is provided by the chapter,
- The chapter provides maps, information, invitations or tickets to the activity for its members and/or guests,
- The activity is listed on the chapter's calendar of events, social media, or agenda/minutes of meeting or,
- Any reasonable observer would associate the event with the chapter. Remember, most inter/national organizations do not use a precise number or percentage of members to determine if an event is a chapter event
The Office of Student Involvement will provide education, counseling, programming support and administration for the activities of the Governing Councils including the IFC, NPHC and PHC, and the individual student leaders of these councils. Illinois Wesleyan will provide office and meeting space, administrative supplies and equipment, and administrative guidance and support, as available. The Governing Councils shall be recognized as Registered Student Organizations, and will receive all of the responsibilities and privileges included with that designation. Each Governing Council shall maintain an approved constitution, by-laws and rules (CBR), which must be submitted to file each time they are changed, by the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life.
Officers of the two Governing Councils should be elected representatives of the students they govern. The Assistant/Director of Student Involvement shall actively monitor their conduct related to their official duties, and may recommend to the appropriate council standards board to remove any officer for violations of university code of conduct, misappropriation of council funds, failure to maintain minimum academic standards, failure to execute stated duties in their constitution, failure to meet in the one-on-one with their advisor, or severe violations of accepted ethical standards only after a Performance Improvement Plan has been attempted. If that action is taken by the standards board, the student may appeal the decision to the Assistant Dean of Students within 5 business days of the standard board’s decision.
Before a(n) (Inter)inter/national Fraternity/Sorority interest group/colony will be recognized by the university, it must receive a written invitation from the university through its sponsoring inter/national office. Any student organization seeking a Charter with a(n) (Inter)inter/national Fraternity/Sorority must first obtain written approval from the university. In assessing a request for expansion/extension, the university, through the Office of Student Involvement will follow the expansion/extension procedures outlined in the appropriate council’s constitution and bylaws.
The recognition of each fraternity or sorority at Illinois Wesleyan must be maintained through the organization’s adherence to all policies and procedures further outlined in this handbook and all other related governing documents and policies maintained by the university, including but not limited to the Student Code of Conduct, the Student Handbook and the appropriate Governing Council Constitution, By-Laws and Rules.
Illinois Wesleyan may suspend or remove the recognition of any fraternity or sorority as necessary. Suspension or removal of recognition shall mean the loss of all rights and privileges further explained in this handbook. Illinois Wesleyan may suspend certain privileges of recognized fraternities or sororities as necessary and appropriate.
Membership in a Governing Council.
All social fraternities and sororities, local or inter/national, are required to apply for, obtain, and retain membership in a recognized Governing Council. Membership in a Governing Council requires that the organization be in compliance with all rules. The exception will be made for Alpha Psi Lambda National, Inc., as we do not have a governing council for culturally based organizations at this time.
Auxiliary Organizations.
Illinois Wesleyan does not allow and will not recognize auxiliary (little sister/brother) organizations. Recognized fraternities and sororities are prohibited from recruiting new members for, continuing support of, and recognizing auxiliary organizations.
New Member Period.
The New Member/Membership Intake Program for all chapters must adhere to the policies outlined by the organizations inter/national Headquarters or in the case of a local fraternity or sorority, must be less than eight (8) weeks in length or past eight (8) weeks with special permission from the Office of Student Involvement. Fraternities and sororities must provide the Office of Student Involvement with following information PRIOR to the beginning of a new member class:
- The beginning date of the new member program or date the students are in process,
- Length of their new member education program,
- Summary of activities involved in their new member education program, which should
include, but not be limited to:
- Formal pledging ceremonies,
- Regular occurring new member classes, meetings, etc.,
- Any new member specific activities such as big/little night, retreats, etc.,
- The dates of the week specified as Initiation Week.
- The firm, ending date of the new member program (initiation date) or date students will end the process.
The chapter must also provide the Assistant/Director of Student Involvement with the names of any new members who are not initiated.
The following additional policies should be followed:
- All new members/pledges should NOT be required to reside at the chapter facility at any point during the week.
- All new members/pledges should NOT be required to turn over their keys, cell phones, or other personal possessions.
- All new members/pledges should NOT be required to modify their normal routines other than attending actual ritual ceremonies. A ritual ceremony is defined as a ceremony that is pre-printed in the most recent edition of the ritual book provided by your inter/national Headquarters.
- Unless during an actual ritual ceremony, there should be NO point in which a new member/pledge is restricted from speaking to others. During actual ceremonies, the use of cell phones may be limited due to secrecy, but outside of ritual ceremonies no new member/pledge should be restricted from using their devices.
- Activities held Sunday through Thursday should end no later than midnight. Activities held Friday and Saturday should end no later than 12:00 a.m.
This list is not all inclusive meaning there may be other activities that should NOT be done such as paddling, consuming alcohol, etc. If you are curious as to the specific policies regarding the initiation rituals and hazing, please contact your I/NHQ for a complete break-down of your organization’s policies.
Recognized fraternities and sororities shall have the privilege of recruiting new members from the Illinois Wesleyan student body, whether through the times established by the Governing Council or on their own, either on the Illinois Wesleyan campus or elsewhere, provided that they adhere to all university policies and policies of the governing body to which they belong. Functions sponsored by the organization or any person acting on behalf of the organization for the purpose of recruitment shall be free of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances. The use of intimidation by either secluding the person being recruited or using inaccurate information to persuade a person to accept membership shall be prohibited.
The Office of Student Involvement shall verify the academic eligibility of all students before extending an invitation of membership. At the time of acceptance, each new member must complete the online Fraternity & Sorority Life Membership Form within 72 hours. Recognized fraternities and sororities may offer student membership only to students enrolled as full-time, a minimum of three (3) course units who are in good academic standing with Illinois Wesleyan. Students who are on academic probation, who have been conditionally admitted to Illinois Wesleyan, or who are early admit students concurrently enrolled in a high school, are not eligible for membership. Recognized fraternities and sororities may offer special membership to a local citizen or Illinois Wesleyan faculty/staff member who has made a significant contribution to the organization. -
Recognized fraternities and sororities may raise funds on and off the campus of Illinois Wesleyan. Whether raising funds on or off campus, they must follow all solicitation, posting and reservation policies as outlined in the appropriate documents. -
Utilization of Campus Facilities.
Recognized fraternities and sororities will have the privilege of utilizing university facilities for meetings, functions, programs, and other appropriate activities provided that proper reservation forms are completed through the facility management and that all policies of facility use are followed. Failure to comply with facility use guidelines may restrict an organization from future use of that and other related facilities. -
University Sponsored Activities and Programs.
Recognized fraternities and sororities will have the privilege of participating as a group, or in collaboration with other groups, in all university sponsored activities and programs. Good behavior and proper conduct will be expected at all times during these activities and the organization will be responsible for monitoring its members in attendance. -
Social Activities/Parties.
Recognized fraternities and sororities will have the privilege of sponsoring and hosting social functions, parties and other similar events. Social Activities, parties and similar events must comply with the risk management guidelines specified by the organization's inter/national governing board and the Governing Council to which they belong. The possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages or other drugs must be consistent with any and all applicable laws, ordinances or rules of the state, county, city, and university. The sponsoring organization(s) will be held accountable for the actions of all members, new members, alumni and/or guests to any social function, party or similar event. All social events must be registered with the Office of Student Involvement as stipulated in the Social Event Registration policies. -
Office of Student Involvement
The Office of Student Involvement will provide an official chapter mailbox to each recognized fraternity and sorority which should be checked at least once per week by an official of the organization for important university and university-related correspondence. The Office of Student Involvement will make its staff available to all recognized fraternities and sororities and their individual officers and members for educational programming, officer transition, goal-setting and development, recruitment, alumni relations, volunteer services planning and personal, confidential counseling. The Office of Student Involvement will provide manuals, handouts, videos, and computer-assisted program support as materials and equipment become available to all recognized fraternities and sororities. -
Fraternity Housing.
Illinois Wesleyan currently offers group housing in four University-owned facilities. In order to be eligible for housing in these facilities, a fraternity must maintain recognition with the University. -
Sorority Housing.
Illinois Wesleyan does not currently offer University-owned facilities to recognized sororities, although they are offered through privately-owned chapter houses. The University currently acknowledges these as approved University housing. In order to maintain this housing status, a sorority must maintain recognition with the University. -
Philanthropic events, educational speakers and similar programs
Recognized fraternities and sororities will have the privilege of sponsoring and hosting philanthropic events, educational speakers and similar programs on the campus provided that all appropriate reservations have been completed and confirmed, necessary security has been arranged and is paid for by the organization. If chapters would like assistance in promoting these events, the Office of Student Involvement should be notified thirty (30) days in advance of the planned activity.
All recognized fraternities and sororities at Illinois Wesleyan must update chapter information with the Office of Student Involvement on an annual basis at the end of every semester of officer transition. REGULAR STUDENT ORGANIZATION REGISTRATION PROCESS MUST ALSO BE COMPLETED EACH SEMESTER .
Chapter Information Updates
Fraternities and sororities will provide all information requested concerning the officers and advisors of the organization, and general chapter information using the forms provided by the Office of Student Involvement. It is the responsibility of fraternities and sororities to complete the Fraternity and Sorority Life Officer Contact Update Form each semester. -
Membership Rosters
Fraternities and sororities will provide updated information on the current status of their members. Organizations will bear the responsibility of updating their rosters with the Office of Student Involvement any time a change occurs between reporting periods. These records will be used to calculate chapter and community grade reports as well as council financial statements each semester. To remove any member from the organization's roster an officer of the organization must complete an FSL Roster Update Form updating the status of the member (i.e. "depledged", "suspended", etc.). For full details of the Roster Rules, see the Roster Rules section of this handbook. -
Advisor Contract.
Fraternities and sororities must retain a member of the Illinois Wesleyan faculty or staff working full-time for the university as an organization advisor. Organizations will be asked to have their advisors sign a contract at the end of each fall semester expressing their commitment to serve. The Advisor Contract will describe in detail the duties of the Advisor. Organizations shall have thirty (30) class days to secure a new advisor, beginning on the received date of a written resignation of the current advisor, or from the due date of updated registration materials. Failure to show progress in working toward finding a faculty/staff advisor may result in the loss of the group's university recognition. -
Hazing Affidavit.
Fraternities and sororities are required to file a signed statement of their understanding of the State of Illinois laws regarding hazing each semester. Chapter officers must read the statement to the entire chapter each semester and retain a copy for record-keeping and future programming. -
New Member Education Program
Fraternities and sororities are required to submit a copy of their most current new member education program or Membership Intake Procedures each fall within the registration packet. Both the mandatory program materials of the (inter)inter/national organization and any locally developed support documents are required. If no significant changes have occurred since the last submission, chapters may indicate this in writing and avoid sending another copy. Chapters are responsible for submitting updated programs that contain any changes which are created between the annual submission period. New member education programs must be congruent with Illinois Wesleyan's core values and educational mission. The Office of Student Involvement will provide reference materials and personal guidance to any chapter officer working to update or revise the chapter's new member education program. -
Chapter Constitution & By-Laws.
Fraternities and sororities are required to submit a copy of their most current chapter by-laws each year as part of the registration packet. If no changes have occurred since the last submission, chapters may indicate this in writing and avoid sending another copy. Chapters are responsible for submitting updated by-laws that contain any changes which are created between the annual submission period. The Office of Student Involvement will provide reference materials and personal guidance to any chapter officer working to update or revise the chapter's by-laws. Note: This information is confidential and will not be shared with other fraternities and sororities. -
Health & Safety Program.
Fraternities and sororities are required to submit a copy of their most current risk management program each year within the registration packet. Both the mandatory policy statements of the (inter)inter/national organization and any locally developed support documents are required. If no changes have occurred since the last submission, chapters may indicate this in writing and avoid sending another copy. Chapters are responsible for submitting updated risk management programs which are created between the annual submission periods. The Office of Student Involvement will provide reference materials and personal guidance to any chapter officer working to update or revise the chapter's risk management program. Fraternities and sororities will be held accountable to all federal, state and local laws, the policies to which they subscribe and to those mandated by their (inter)inter/national organization, their Governing Council and the university. The Assistant/Director of Student Involvement will be familiar with all relevant policies and work with advisors, headquarters and chapter officers to ensure compliance. -
Academic Program.
Fraternities and sororities are required to submit a copy of their most current academic program each year attached to the registration packet. If no changes have occurred since the last submission, chapters may indicate this in writing and avoid sending another copy. Chapters are responsible for submitting updated academic programs which are created between the annual submission period. The Office of Student Involvement will provide reference materials and personal guidance to any chapter officer working to update or revise the chapter's academic program. Fraternities and sororities are expected to provide support and guidance to their membership for the enhancement of academic achievement, and are expected not to interfere with the ability of the individual student to pursue a successful collegiate matriculation. The Director of Student Involvement will work with advisors, headquarters and chapter officers to ensure high standards in academic achievement. -
Other Reports.
Other items may be requested from fraternities and sororities by the Office of Student Involvement for programming or educational needs, such as a Chapter Events Calendar, an Alumni Relations Program, a Grade Release Form, or reports of New Members who were pledged or associated through open recruitment.
Chapters which have not submitted the minimum reports due by the specified deadline will accumulate a fine of $10 per day until the necessary paper-work is submitted, will have all facility reservations placed on hold, and will be removed from the list of Registered Fraternities & Sororities eligible to participate in university sponsored programs. All fees and fines must be paid in full before the fraternity & sorority registration process is complete.
Believing that fraternities and sororities contribute in multiple ways to campus life and higher education, the Office of Student Involvement has established the following standards as minimum expectations of collegiate chapters chartered at Illinois Wesleyan University. Our chapters will enhance and promote each member’s development and learning by achieving each of the following minimum standards.
The 27 minimum expectations are divided up into the seven areas of thriving. These are updated each quarter by the chapter leadership. It is the expectation that 100% of these are completed each year, or it will impact the scoring on the Chapter Thrive Program.
Academic Development
- Chapter cumulative GPA and Chapter New Member cumulative GPA meets or exceeds a 3.000 GPA each semester.*
- Uphold inter/national grade requirements for holding chapter offices and for initiating new members.
Health & Safety
- Provide a letter from your inter/national headquarters indicating the status of the chapter for each semester.
- Annually participate in health and safety guidelines education and sober monitor training.*
- Participate in other health and safety initiatives either through your inter/national organization or Illinois Wesleyan University.
- Register social events through the Office of Student Involvement and complete all steps in a timely manner (form, event consultation, guest lists, additional documentation).*
- Complete required fire and safety drills for chapter home.
- Submit a Crisis Communication/Management Plan from inter/national office and educate members annually.
Membership Recruitment/Intake & Retention
- Chapter adheres and responds to all council/office rules regarding recruitment. This is located in the CPH and IFC Bylaws and Constitution and Membership Intake Process & Policies.
- Provide dates, locations, and activities for all functions without alcohol that occurred during formal recruitment.
- Provide a detailed new member education plan and initiation dates for new member activities.
- Adhere to all IWU policies regarding hazing and completes new member hazing affidavit as required by the Office of Student Involvement
- Submit all rosters and reports to the Office of Student Involvement when requested.
- Provide a list of funds raised/donated for all philanthropy projects.
- Provide the name, date, and chapter participants of the chapter’s philanthropy and awareness events.
- Engage alumni at least once per year via event or communication.
- The chapter maintained communication with the (inter)national organization and consistently complied with all policies of the (inter)national organization.
- Submit all reports, fees, and other requested information to the inter/national headquarters in a timely fashion.
- Chapter has an active advisor/advisory board to support chapter operations.
- Build a relationship with the Office of Student Involvement staff through meeting attendance, one-on-one meetings, and facilitation of programs/educational opportunities.
Membership Education & Development
- Host a chapter officer retreat or planning session.
- Host or attend a leadership development program through inter/national headquarters, Illinois Wesleyan University, or other professional development opportunity.
- Provide a list of names and participation and membership for members involved in other RSOs or leadership positions.
- The chapter provides at least one education program related to the organization’s values at least once annually.
- The chapter participates in at least one program annually that promotes diversity and inclusion.
- The chapter participates in at least one program annually that promotes anti-hazing/anti-violence.
Community Service
- The chapter maintained accurate records of service hours of member’s engagements in local and other communities.
- The chapter completed a minimum of one local community service project per semester. This is a service project, not a fundraiser.
Illinois Wesleyan University Fraternity and Sorority Chapter Thrive Program
The purpose of the Chapter Thrive Program is to establish standards that ensure every
IWU fraternity and sorority is committed to creating the high quality student experience
for its members, with a particular emphasis on creating thriving members and chapters.
Thriving is defined as being fully engaged intellectually, socially, and emotionally
in the fraternity and sorority experience. To experience the purpose of this program
and to assist with thriving, chapters will be expected to meet minimum expectations
and set/achieve goals.
Each fraternity and sorority must comply with all deadlines and complete the annual Chapter Thrive Program submission in order to maintain its status as a registered student organization at IWU. Recognition is meeting the minimum expectations of chapters; thriving is the next level.
Evaluation and Process of the Chapter Thrive Program
The Chapter Thrive Program has four sections. The four sections are as follows: Goals & Action Plan, Chapter Minimum Expectations, Goal Assessment and Summary, and Chapter Presentation.
- Goals & Action Plan: Chapters will create their own annual goals connected to the seven areas of thriving chapters; each chapter is expected to set at least two additional goals beyond the minimum expectations in each of the seven areas.
- Chapter Minimum Expectations: This section focuses on whether each chapter fulfills the minimum expectations of all fraternities and sororities at Illinois Wesleyan University. It encompasses items under the seven areas of thriving chapters and are related to overall organization, management, and programming. Chapters will track this information quarterly and will document items electronically throughout the calendar year.
- Goals Assessment & Executive Summary: Chapters will reflect on the calendar year by highlighting how they achieved those additional goals in the seven areas of thriving chapters. Chapters will provide a summary of their progress towards achieving their goals and prepare a Chapter Presentation discussing and documenting these successes.
- Chapter Presentation: In the month of November, chapters will prepare and present their chapter thrive goals to a committee of individuals representing undergraduates, alumni, and administrators.
Scoring Section:
- Chapters will be given a mark of Outstanding, Meets, Needs Improvement, or Unacceptable in each of the seven areas of thriving chapters.
- A chapter’s score is based on the percentage of minimum expectations met and goals
achieved in each of the areas:
- Outstanding
- Meets (Meets all expectations & shows effort toward goals)
- Needs Improvement (Does not meet all minimum expectations in area/category)
- Unacceptable (Does not meet any minimum expectations)
- While chapters may meet their additional goals within the areas of chapter thriving, they may fail to meet a minimum expectation(s). If this occurs, scoring will be impacted.
- If a chapter fails to meet 70% of their minimum expectations, they will not be considered
for awards and will be placed on a Chapter Development Status in conjunction with
the Office of Student Involvement. This action would require the following additional
steps in the following calendar year:
- Year 1
- Monthly/Bi-Weekly Meetings with OSI Staff to review Chapter Minimum Expectations and Goals & Action Plan
- Chapter Advisor Must Attend at least two (2) of the meetings a semester
- Semester Meeting with Dean of Students or their Designee in Dean of Students Office
- Notify IHQ/Executive Office of Chapter Development Status
- Year 2
- Monthly/Bi-Weekly Meetings with OSI Staff to review Chapter Minimum Expectations and Goals & Action Plan
- Chapter Advisor Must Attend at least two (2) of the meetings a semester
- Semester Meeting with Dean of Students or their Designee in Dean of Students Office
- No Social Events (Registered/Unregistered) Permitted & No Participation in Community Social Programming (Homecoming, GreekEnd, etc.)
- Facilitate Meeting & Notify IHQ/Executive Office of Chapter Development Status
- Year 3
- At the beginning of Year 3, a Fraternity & Sorority Chapter Review Board (FSCRB) would be convened consisting of a Board of Trustees member, faculty, and staff. These individuals would be notified as chapters are placed on a Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 status.
- Presentation of organizations operations and goals will be requested of chapter leadership for the FSCRB.
- A representative from the IHQ/Executive Office will be included in the conversations of the FSCRB, but will not render any decision on behalf of the University.
- The chapter will be allowed to have a chapter advisor present and speak on behalf of the chapter as a part of the review process.
- The FSCRB has the discretion to recommend a continuance of the Chapter Development Status for a defined period of time with specific requests and outcomes to be shared or the ability to recommend chapter closure/suspension to the Vice President of Students/Dean of Students (or their designee).
- Year 1
January/February: Chapters will formulate and review their plan with executive teams, chapter advisors,
and the Office of Student Involvement staff. Chapters will be responsible for ensuring
they are meeting minimum expectations, and they will submit their Goals and Action
Plan to the appropriate OSI Staff by an assigned date.
- Due Date: February 12, 2021
January-November: Chapters are encouraged to meet with the Director/Assistant Director of Student Involvement
to continue to work towards their Goals and Action Plan and meeting minimum expectations.
- Check Points for Minimum Expectations: TBD
- November: Chapters will prepare and present their Goals Assessment & Executive Summary to a committee of individuals representing undergraduates, alumni, and administrators.
Fraternity and Sorority Areas of Chapter Thriving:
- Academic Development
- Relationships
- Health & Safety
- Member Education & Development
- Membership Recruitment/Intake & Retention
- Philanthropy
- Community Service
- At the beginning of each semester you will be given your chapter roster to review. Updates to the roster will be due to the Office of Student Involvement by the second Friday after classes begin.
- The Office of Student Involvement tracks the academic, recruitment, and retention rates for each fraternity and sorority affiliated with the IFC, NPC, and NPHC councils. Such statistics are available for the previous semester at or near the beginning of the next semester for your records.
- A roster consisting of all members listed on your (inter)inter/national roster must be submitted to the Office of Student Involvement. We will compare our rosters with those submitted to your respective inter/national headquarters office. If there are discrepancies, the chapter president will meet with a representative of the Office of Student Involvement to review. The inter/national headquarters office will be contacted if necessary.
- All members will stay on your active roster throughout their collegiate career with the exception of those who disaffiliate, depledge, or take early alumni status. Chapter officers should complete a Chapter Roster Update Form online within 72 hours of disaffiliation.
- Any time you must add a member, either new member or affiliate, including transfer students, the individual must submit a Fraternity & Sorority Membership Form online.
- Fraternity & Sorority Membership Forms for new members are due within 72 hours of acceptance of a bid . A complete new member roster is due one week after completion of formal recruitment/membership intake or from the date of your new member induction ceremony if during an open recruitment period.
- Fraternity & Sorority Membership Forms for continuous open bidding (COB) are due within 72 hours of bid acceptance. Note: Panhellenic women will also need to complete required COB grade release and acceptance forms according to Panhellenic policy.
- Three weeks prior to Reading Day chapters will receive an updated roster. The official grade roster and verification is due to the Office of Student Involvement by Reading Day. Failure to verify the roster by Reading Day will result in the chapter’s statistical information being reported inaccurately. No retroactive changes will be made to the roster or grade rankings after this date.
All fraternities & sororities at Illinois Wesleyan University are required to complete a Social Event Registration Form for their on & off-campus social functions with alcohol present with the Office of Student Involvement. This is to help chapters prepare for a healthy and safe event and support adherence to both University and Inter/national risk management policies. A copy of the completed event registration will be given to the sponsoring chapter leadership, its chapter advisor, IWU Campus Safety and the Dean of Students Office.
Events should be registered as outlined below:
- For events with alcohol and held on campus at least five (5) days prior to the date of the event.
- For events with alcohol and held off campus at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the event.
Any events registered less than the appropriate number days in advance will be approved on a case-by-case basis.
All chapters will be required to do an event consultation with the Director or Assistant Director of Student Involvement prior to event occurrence. Staff will reach out post-registration to set-up a time to discuss the event.
For events involving alcohol, final guest lists are due 24 hours prior to the event. For events occurring over the weekend, lists are due by noon the last business day before the event to allow for review.
To complete your Social Event Registration, click here.
Health & Safety Training
At the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, all chapter presidents, risk managers, and social chairs are required to attend a risk management training prior to being able to submit any Social Event Registration Forms for review. The training sessions are focused on reviewing risk management policies, harm reduction practices, and the event planning and will vary per semester.
Sober Monitor Certification
All individual members who will serve as a sober monitor or beverage distribution center monitor for an event must complete a virtual training session annually educating about the effects of alcohol, other drugs, event procedures, and bystander intervention. The virtual training sessions will be offered once each semester for sophomore, juniors, and seniors. Certifications last for four semesters. The Office of Student Involvement will provide a list of those who have completed this virtual training.
Co-Sponsored Events
For any events [swaps/mixers/exchanges] that are hosted by 2 or more organizations (IWU chapters co-sponsoring with other IWU chapters, ISU chapters, organizations, etc.), each chapter should complete the Social Event Registration Form.
Host in On-Campus Facilities
Chapters are able to host social functions in on campus facilities as long as they adhere to all campus policies. Any food or beverage at the event must be catered through Sodexo Dinning Services. Reservations for facility use must be made through the 25Live reservation system. All applicable policies and guidelines for facility usage established by IWU as well as any fire code capacities set by the University should be followed.
Off-Campus & Third Party Vendors
For all off-campus events involving alcohol, chapters must hire external security to assist in managing the event. Many venues include security in their event contracts and these would meet this requirement. For events in venues where security is not provided, chapters should contract with an external security company. Chapters must also submit the venue's proof of insurance and liquor/alcohol license to staff in the Office of Student Involvement. Information is collected about the third party venue in the Social Event Registration Form.
Guest Lists
Guest lists are required for all events with alcohol. All guest lists should follow one of the templates in the resources section of this page. Guests lists are limited to 2 guests per member or a total number of guests that does not exceed the fire code for the facility, whichever is reached first. Your guest list should include members and pledges/new members as well as any non-members guests. If alumni are attending the event, you should also include them on the guest list. Final guest lists are due 24 hours prior to the event. For events occurring over the weekend, lists are due by noon the last business day before the event to allow for review. Click here to download the approved guest list form.
Fraternity and sorority chapters are grounded in the founding values of the chapter embodying values in attitude and behavior, and the cyclical passing down of chapter foundations and ideals from active members to new members over time. Chapters are expected to self-manage the chapter and their chapter members.
Fraternity and sorority chapters at IWU that choose a residential focus are expected to abide by the below residency requirements. The following information represents only the residency requirements as established by Illinois Wesleyan University. It is the responsibility of each member to know and abide by any additional residency requirements established by the individual chapters. In the event that a conflict in residency requirements exists, the University’s policy will supersede that of the individual chapter however a chapter may establish additional residency requirements.
Please visit the Fraternity & Sorority Housing website for the detailed housing policies for both University-owned fraternity chapter facilities and privately-owned chapter facilities.

Courtney Turnbull - Assistant Director of Student Involvement
Department - Office Of Student Involvement