Sociology Major & Minor Requirements
Sociology is the study of society. Using sophisticated research methods, we study groups, institutions, beliefs, and experiences to understand how societies work. Some of the topics we’re interested in include race, gender, crime, sexuality, families, youth, and politics. Students are often attracted to sociology because of a passion for social justice, a desire to understand different groups or cultures, or a need to understand organizations or institutions.
Sociologists are social scientists who learn a variety of research methods to gather and analyze data about society. Sociology students learn about culture, diversity, inequality, and justice, preparing them to navigate a diverse society. Classes on specific topics, such as crime, the media, and the family, also provide students with valuable knowledge about important topics in society. Additionally, critical thinking, effective communication, and writing skills are forefront in the discipline, and these skills are highly sought after by employers in diverse fields. Through internships, an important part of our program, our majors receive practical work experience and insight leading to numerous career choices, while earning college credit.
To learn more about topics, skills, and career paths for sociology majors, visit the American Sociological Association website.
Major Sequence in Sociology
A minimum of ten courses in sociology to include:
- SOC 225*, 290, 325*, and 490**; and
- Six additional course units, at least three at the 300 level.
Sociology majors, in consultation with their advisor, may elect to take a non-sociology course that includes the development of significant social scientific research skills (e.g., GIS, statistics in social science fields, an independent study with this work as its primary focus) in its place, to complete the advanced sociological research method requirement for the major. Consultation with and approval from the department chair is required.
*Sociology majors must earn at least a C minus (C) in SOC 225 (methods) and SOC 325 (advanced methods) to demonstrate proficiency in the skills needed to complete independent sociological research and register for SOC 490 (senior seminar).
**The prerequisite for registering for SOC 490 is earning at least a C minus (C) in both SOC 225 and SOC 325 (or its approved equivalent), as approved by the department chair. Majors must take SOC 225 prior to SOC 325, and both prior to SOC 490.
Minor Sequence in Sociology
A minimum of six courses in sociology to include:
- SOC 225 and 290; and
- Four additional courses, at least two at the 300 level.

Todd Fuist - Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology
Department - Sociology & Criminology