Sociology & Criminology Events
October 2023
Dr. Cesraéa Rumpf, Associate Director of Gender and Women's Studies at the University
of Illinois Chicago
Narratives of Identity: Faith, Recovery, and the Invasive Reach of Carceral Control
Monday, October 16
4:00 PM, SFH 202
In this talk, author Cesraéa (Chez) Rumpf will draw upon her work with formerly incarcerated
women to examine the invasive impact of criminalization on one’s very sense of identity.
Based on criminalized women’s narratives and photographs they created to document
their experiences of incarceration, this talk will consider what happens when faith-
and abstinence-based recovery discourses become a central part of the criminalization
process and how women creatively engage these limiting discourses to nevertheless
claim their humanity and dignity. A free digital e-copy of Chez’ recently published
book, Recovering Identity: Criminalized Women’s Fight for Dignity and Freedom , is available at

Todd Fuist - Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology
Department - Sociology & Criminology