Sociology-Criminology Major and Criminology Minor
Criminology is the sociological study of crime and the criminal justice system. At IWU, the Sociology-Criminology major and the Criminology minor provide a unique
interdisciplinary framework, grounded in the social sciences but also engaging the
natural sciences and humanities. Our Sociology-Criminology students develop:
- knowledge about the workings of the criminal justice system;
- an understanding of inequality with regard to the law;
- the skills needed to study and analyze crime.
The Sociology-Criminology major and the Criminology minor complement the studies of students who are interested in a future working in criminal justice, advocacy, law, politics, or research.
Classes focus on a variety of topics including policing, eyewitness testimony, jury behavior, crime scene analysis, and inequality within the criminal justice system. Students study current, ongoing legal cases in the Bloomington-Normal area and speak with people involved in the criminal justice system.
Major Sequence in Sociology-Criminology
Criminology course list for Spring 2025
Students pursuing a major in Sociology-Criminology will complete the following required courses:
- SOC 201: Social Problems (AV)
- SOC 225: Research Methods (W)
- PSYC 227 or ECON 227 or ENST 200 (FR)
- SOC 290: History of Social Thought (IT, W)
- PSYC 359: Crime and the Justice System (W)
- SOC 328: Criminology (CSI)
- SOC 490: Senior Seminar in Sociology (W)
Pick FOUR (4) courses from at least TWO (2) categories, and at least TWO (2) must be at the 300-level:
- Courts and Institutions:
BUS 349: Seminar in Business: Trial Class
CHEM 120: Forensic Chemistry (PSL)
PSCI 105: Civil Liberties and Social Justice (AV)
PSCI/SOC 395: Action Research Seminar
SOC 240: Social Work (AV)
SOC 311: Marriage and Families (CHC, U) - Inequalities and Identities:
PSYC 251: Abnormal Psychology (LSI)
SOC 222: Sex and Gender in Society (CSI, U)
SOC 230: Race & Racism (CSI, U)
SOC 345: Intersectionality (IT, U)
SOC 380: Sex and Sexualities (CHC, U) - Laws and Values:
BUS 355: Business Law (W)
ENGL 133: Crime and Punishment (LIT)
PHIL 105: Rights and Wrongs (AV)
PHIL 205: What is Law (AV, W)
PHIL 305: Philosophy of Law (AV)
PSCI 303: International Law and Organizations
SOC 280: Deviance (AV)
*Special topics and internships may be included with the permission of the chair.
Minor Sequence in Criminology
Students pursuing a minor in Criminology will complete a total of six courses: four core courses taken by all students, and two electives that focus on students' specific area of interest.
The required courses for the Criminology minor include:
- SOC 328: Criminology (CSI)
- PSYC 359: Crime and the Justice System: A Social Psychology Perspective (W)
- CHEM 120: Forensic Chemistry (PSL)
- A methods class, selecting one from the following:
SOC 225: Methods of Social Research
PSYCH 227: Statistics
ENST 200: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (FR) - Two electives from the following list of courses:
BUS 349: Seminar in Management - Trial Class
PHIL 205: What is Law? (AV, W)
PHIL 305: Philosophy of Law (AV)
PSYCH 251: Abnormal Psychology (LSI)
PSCI 105: Civil Liberties and Social Justice (AV)
SOC 201: Social Problems (AV)
SOC 230: Race and Racism (CSI, U)
SOC 345: Intersectionality (IT, U)
SOC 270/370 (by permission of the chair): Special Topics

Todd Fuist
Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology / Director of Criminology

Courtney Irby
Associate Professor of Sociology / Director of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

For more information, contact:

Todd Fuist - Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology
Department - Sociology & Criminology