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Changing Your Password

Have you forgotten your password?

If you have forgotten your password, the ITS Service Desk will help you reset your password.

Reset your password by using the Password Change Tool. Your new password will need to be at least nine characters and must contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters and at least one number (see tips below). 

You may reset a password in person at the ITS Service Desk. You will be asked for either your IWU ID or driver's license.



Your password is set by you as part of a process for logging into IWU services for the first time. If you have never logged into the campus portal (MyIWU), you will use a temporary password to begin the process.

(Enrolled students will receive a letter from Admissions with initial login information.)

(New faculty and staff will be given an initial password by Human Resources.) 

To set your campus password, go to and enter your NetID. You will use a temporary password the first time you login. 

Before Changing your Password

It's important to make sure that your password is strong. If someone else can guess it, or if you ever share it with anyone, that person can log in as you and wreak havoc in your name. Here are some tips for choosing a good password that nobody will be likely to guess:

  • Use at least nine characters. A shorter password can be guessed in almost no time at all. All passwords at Illinois Wesleyan must be at least nine characters, but longer is better.
  • Use different types of characters. A password that consists only of lowercase letters is easiest to enter, but it's also one of the first things a password cracker might try. All passwords at Illinois Wesleyan must include at least one digit. Your password should also contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters. Symbols are a great idea, too.
  • Common passwords are inherently weak, so we also check them against a public list of the 10,000 most commonly used passwords and reject any that match.
  • The server rejects passwords for other reasons, such as including your NetID, or a part of your name, in your password. It may also reject passwords for including common words. We can't validate every possible reason your password may be rejected on this page, but we'll let you know if your new password is rejected and you can choose something more secure.

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