School of Music Calendar
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Titan Choral Fest
Check in - 8:30am and will conclude at 5pm
The Titan Choirs are happy to announce that our first annual TITAN CHORALFEST will take place on the IWU campus on Wednesday, September 25th from 8:30am - 5pm. Please see the details below, the attached flyers for the event, and ways to follow us on social media. We’d love it if you’d post these in your rooms too!
TITAN CHORALFEST is a day of singing, community, and Titan Spirit for high school students and teachers where they’ll get to interact with our voice faculty which is not limited to myself, and my wonderful colleague Dr. Ingrid Kammin, and our fantastic students who will be doing some teaching! The day will be filled with rehearsals on three pieces, a recital and Q&A by some of our current voice students, and a performance by the IWU Collegiate Choir, and thoughtful Professional Development courses for you teachers! All culminating in a final sing-fest at the end of the day!
We’ve imagined this day as a non-competitive ChoralFest where you can bring as many students as you like, without the pressure of a public performance with your choir so early in the year. Instead, an opportunity to Sing, Learn, and Share together, where students from many schools combine their talents into a mass choir and share in the spirit of togetherness and singing!
See the link below Titan Choral Fest for more information. REGISTER HERE
Annual Highlights
- Annual IWU Jazz Festival
- Honor Band
- Honor Jazz Band
- Honor Orchestra
- Titan Choral Fest
All School of Music Events are open to the public and free of charge. Programs are subject to change.
For more information or to confirm scheduling, contact the Music Office at (309) 556-3061.
Sign Up to be included in our email list for future events: Sign Up Now!