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Quantitative Finance Requirements

Foundation Courses: The following should ideally be completed by the end of sophomore year.

  • GW 100 Gateway Colloquium
  • ACC 112 Accounting for Decision Making I
  • ACC 212 Accounting for Dicision Making II
  • ECON 100 Introduction to Economics
  • ECON 227 Statistics
  • MATH 176 Calculus I (or university credit for AP Calculus)

Major Requirements

The following courses are to be taken upon successful completion of the foundation courses. The major in Quantitative Finance requires a minimum of 13 courses. Required courses include:


  • FIS 303 Financial Management
  • FIS 309 Investments
  • FIS 409 Portfolio Management
  • FIS 415 Quantitative Finance


  • MATH 177 Calculus II
  • MATH 324 Probability
  • MATH 325 Mathematical Statistics

Data Science

  • CS 125 / DASC 125 Introduction to Computer and Data Sciences 
  • DASC 225 Data Analytics with Visualization
  • CS 377 / DASC 377 Applied Data Analysis
  • CS 222 Ethics, Values, and Issues in Cybertechnology

Electives (at least 2 to be chosen from the list below)

  • FIS 305 Financial Statement Analysis
  • FIS 306 Cases in Financial Modeling
  • FIS 308 Derivatives
  • FIS 411 Advanced Portfolio Management
  • FIS 413 Trading
  • MATH 215 Linear Algebra
  • MATH 340 Differential Equations
  • MATH 403 Computation Data Analysis
  • MATH 407 Numerical Methods
  • MATH 451 Wavelet Analysis
  • CS 314 Database Systems
  • CS 338 Artificial Intelligence
  • CS 387 Deep Learning
  • ECON 301 Intermediate Microeconomics
  • ECON 302 Intermediate Macroeconomics
  • ECON 338 Time Series Analysis


  • Internship 397 does NOT count as an elective toward any major or minor
  • No more than one D in the major or minor is permitted
  • No course may be used to meet the requirements of more than one major or those of a major and a minor
  • The University requires students to complete 11 course units numbered 300 or higher, at least 4 of them must be in the major department