BLOOMINGTON, Ill. — Several student leaders, organizations and advisors from Illinois Wesleyan University were recognized by the Office of Student Involvement at the annual Do Well & Do Good Involvement Awards on April 8.

Named for the popular quote from former IWU President Minor Myers jr., “Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good,” the event celebrates programs and individuals representing the University's multicultural, fraternity and sorority, academic and service organizations. Recipients are nominated by the IWU community.
Director of Student Involvement Tyler Manning said the awards are an opportunity to uplift individuals and groups that enhance the vibrancy of campus life.
“What makes these awards particularly special is students having the opportunity to nominate fellow students. This speaks to our community of care and leadership, where individuals actively recognize and appreciate the efforts of their peers. It's a testament to the collaborative spirit and supportive environment we strive to foster on campus. It's through events like these that we reinforce the values of engagement, service, and leadership that are at the core of our Titan experience,” said Manning.
While speaking at the event, Dean of Students Karla Carney-Hall noted how the Do Well & Do Good Involvement Awards took place during an exciting week on campus, including the announcement of IWU’s next president.
“For every presidential candidate, the key question was ‘Who are we as an institution?’ This week highlights the absolute best of who we are. On Sunday, we celebrated inclusive community through Multicultural Graduation. Tuesday (was) All In for Wesleyan, a celebration of the Titan network and the generosity of our alumni, parents and friends. Saturday we demonstrated our community of scholars at the John Wesley Powell Student Research Conference. Today, we celebrate leadership in creating community and changing the world. This week highlights the best of who we are,” said Carney-Hall.
2024 Award Recipients
- Fraternity/Sorority Chapter Advisor of the Year: Kasey Evans '12, Kappa Delta
- Registered Student Organization Advisor of the Year: Courtney Turnbull, Campus Activities
- Emerging Leader of the Year: Mannat Kandal '27 and Chloe Shapkauski '27
- Breakthrough Leader of the Year: Joelle McMillan '25
- Fraternity/Sorority Leader of the Year: Justin Hart '25, Theta Chi
- Registered Student Organization Leader of the Year: Valeria Suarez '26, Women in Politics
- Minor Myers, Jr. Change Agent of the Year: Maya McGrew '26
- Fraternity/Sorority Chapter of the Year: Alpha Gamma Delta & Theta Chi
- Registered Student Organization of the Year: International Student Organization (ISO)
- Collaborative Program of the Year: Lunar New Year hosted by Asian Pacific American
Coalition (APAC), Campus Activities Board (CAB), and International Student Organizations
- Educational Program of the Year: Schools of Need hosted by Golden Apple Scholars
- Innovative Program of the Year: Mental Health Awareness & Education Programs hosted
by Awareness, Wellness, Education (AWE)
- Social Program of the Year: Pelt-A-TKE hosted by Tau Kappa Epsilon
- Social Justice Program of the Year: Hunger Banquet hosted by Amnesty International