Example Course Plan
Neuroscience Course Plan (first 3 semesters) for Cellular and Molecular Concentration
This is an example course plan based on the 2022-2023 University Catalog; your actual
schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty advisor will work with you to
select appropriate courses.
As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester
towards completing graduation requirements using the
degree audit tool.
Additional Example Course Plan: Behavioral Concentration
Fall Semester
- BIOL 107 Human Biology (LSL)
- CHEM 201General Chemistry (PSL)
- PSYC 213 Behavioral Neuroscience
- Gateway
- Physical Education (PEX/PEC FIT)
Spring Semester
- BIOL 108 Human Biology
- CHEM 202 General Chemistry
General Education Course (or Gateway if not completed in the first semester)
- Second Language Course
- Physical Education (PEY)
Fall Semester
CHEM 311 Organic Chemistry
- Cellular and Molecular Concentration Course (chosen in consultation with the student’s academic advisor)
- General Education Course
- Second Language Course
- Physical Education (PEY)
Study Abroad
For students interested in studying abroad, junior year is recommended. Students should inform their advisor as soon as possible if they are considering studying abroad.
Additional Information
Students pursuing Pre-Medicine should complete the courses listed on the following
course plan prior to taking the Medical College Admissions test (MCAT) which is taken
in the May/June of junior or senior year: