Major Requirements
A minimum of nine courses, to include the following (with a minimum of four courses at the 300-400 level):
1) At least one introductory course on gender studies and feminism in the U.S. Choose from:
WGSS 101: Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (CSI, U)
History 244: History of American Feminisms (CHC, U)
Philosophy 230: Philosophy of Feminism (AV, U)
Sociology 222: Sex and Gender in Society (CSI, U)
2) At least one course on gender and sexualities. Choose from:
English 381: Thinking Queer/Reading Queer (LIT, U)
Health 330: Human Sexuality (AV)
History 350: Women, Work, and Leisure, 1890-1930 (CHC, U)
Psychology 356: Psychology of Gender (U)
Sociology 380: Sociology of Sexualities (CHC, U)
3) Six additional courses designated as Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies courses. Courses must be chosen from at least two different divisions, schools, or programs (I–VI below), and at least three different departments or disciplines. WGSS 270, 370, 397, and 450 may also count for this requirement.
4) Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 490: Senior Seminar (W)
Courses for WGSS:
Courses that count for WGSS major and minor
I. Humanities
ENGL 120: Women in Literature (LIT)
ENGL 139: Freaks! (LIT, U)
ENGL 170: Special Topics: 20th Century Women Writers (LIT)
ENGL 222: Shakespeare’s Shrews (LIT, W)
ENGL 243: What's Love Got To Do With It?: English Poetry, 1500-1700 (LIT)
ENGL 255: Hip-Hop: A Literary Study (LIT, U, W)
ENGL 257/HIST 257: Promised Land (CHC, U)
ENGL 351: Manifest Destinies: American Literature to 1865 (LIT, U)
ENGL 370: Special Topics*
ENGL 381: Thinking Queer/Reading Queer (LIT, U)
ENGL 393: Love, Marriage, Sex, Power: Shakespeare's Comedies and Histories (LIT)
ENGL 394: Death, Gender, Power: Shakespeare's Tragedies and Romances (LIT)
GRS 217/HIST 217: Race, Gender, and Ability in the Ancient World (AV, W)
LC 251/351: Identity and Alterity in Latino Literature (LIT, U)
PHIL 230: Philosophy of Feminism (AV, U)
REL 106: Women, Religion, and Spirituality (CSI, G)
SPAN 348: Latin American Women Writers (LIT)
II. Social Sciences
ANTH 245/345 World Music (IT, G)
HIST 144: The Gilded Age, 1865-1900 (CHC, U)
HIST 217/GRS 217: Race, Gender, and Ability in the Ancient World (AV, W)
HIST 244: History of American Feminisms (CHC, U)
HIST 249: Growing Up in America (CHC, U)
HIST 257/ENGL 257: Promised Land (CHC, U)
HIST 270: Special Topics*
HIST 343: Migrations, Ethnicity, and Race (CHC, U)
HIST 350: Women, Work, and Leisure, 1890-1930 (CHC, U)
HIST 370: Special Topics*
SOC 222: Sex and Gender in Society (CSI, U)
SOC 270: Special Topics*
SOC 311: Marriage and Family (CHC, U)
SOC 340: Social Movements and Politics in the U.S. (CHC, U)
SOC 345: Intersectionality (IT, U)
SOC 350: Emotions and Society (AV, U)
SOC 370: Special Topics*
SOC 380: Sex and Sexualities (CHC, U)
III. Nursing/Health
HLTH 330: Human Sexuality (AV)
HLTH 351: Abuse in America (AV)
N 430: Maternal and Newborn Nursing
IV. Natural Sciences
PSYC 356: Psychology of Gender (U) (prerequisite PSYC 100)
V. Fine Arts
MUS 245/345: World Music (IT, G)
THEA 370: Special Topics*
THEA 372: Theater History II (CHC)
VI. Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS 270: Special Topics in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS 370: Special Topics in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS 397: Internship
WGSS 450: Independent Study
*Special topics courses outside of WGSS may count, pending approval by the WGSS Director.
View WGSS-eligible course offerings for Fall 2024

Courtney Irby - Associate Professor of Sociology
Department - Sociology & Criminology