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Lindsey Haines, Class of 2010

  1. Where are or did you intern? Briefly, what does/did your internship entail?
    I interned in the Scottish Parliament during the fall semester of 2007. I worked directly for an MSP (Member of the Scottish Parliament) and conducted research on public housing.

  2. What aspects of your internship do/did you enjoy most? Find most challenging?
    Unlike working for a US senator or representative, I was the only intern. So everyday it was the MSP, her researcher, and me in the office. It was very exciting to work in one of the few new parliaments in the world (the Scottish Parliament was re-established in 1997). I also took 5 weeks of class at the University of Edinburgh prior to the internship in order to learn about Scottish and UK politics. Nonetheless,  understanding how a new form of government works was difficult at times.

  3. How does/did your internship relate to what you have been studying at Illinois Wesleyan?
    I had the opportunity to see politics in action.  It was amazing to see a bill that I completed research for go to the floor for a vote. Everyday I would witness something in the Parliament that would headline the Scottish Political news

  4. Has your internship given you any insight into what you would like to do upon graduating from Illinois Wesleyan?
    Yes. While I don't think I'd ever want to hold a political office, the internship enabled me to discover how fulfilling  working "behind the scenes" really is.

  5. What advice, if any, would you give to Political Science majors looking for, or even just considering, an internship?
    If you can incorporate an internship into a study abroad program do it!