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Connor McGee, Class of 2008

  1. Where are or did you intern? Briefly, what does/did your internship entail?
    I interned at the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee which is the party organization in charge of getting Republicans elected to the House of Representatives. In working for the NRCC, my main responsibility was keeping track of every check that came in for the Battleground 2006 fundraiser that brought in over $1.5 million. And of course, I got what every intern in DC receives: a doctorate in errand running, copying, and shredding!

  2. What aspects of your internship do/did you enjoy most? Find most challenging?
    I loved working right on the Hill and being right in the thick of one of the most exciting midterm elections in recent history. I was able to rub elbows with congressional leadership, high level staffers, and lobbyists who understand so much more about how politics works in that town than you could learn in a book. The most challenging aspect came after the Republicans lost the House for the first time since 1994 and the duty of answering the main phone was charged to the interns. I was able to hear from many people who were very displeased with our work, as well as some Democrats who called to gloat.

  3. How does/did your internship relate to what you have been studying at Illinois Wesleyan?
    At IWU I'm a political science major focusing on American politics so my internship at the NRCC was right up my alley. Being able to be in DC allowed me to see everything I've learned in class put into effect in the real world, and to see what actually works and what doesn't.

  4. Has your internship given you any insight into what you would like to do upon graduating from Illinois Wesleyan?
    Going into my internship I believed I wanted to work on political campaigns after graduation, and my time at the NRCC only strengthened that belief. Between the fast pace and never knowing what will happen, campaigning is something that I am very excited about pursuing after graduating.

  5. What advice, if any, would you give to Political Science majors looking for, or even just considering, an internship?
    My advice would be to get out to DC and intern with a group that you are passionate about. There is no shortage of positions available for interns because everyone loves free help. Make sure you really do enjoy the work the organization you intern for does, because you will work long hours and come home exhausted, but at the end of the day you will love every second of it.