International Office
Steps and Deadlines

Here is a short checklist for the application process:
- Explore the program options.
- Make an appointment to talk with a study abroad advisor at the International Office and connect with a Study Abroad Peer Ambassador if you have need in student's perspective.
- Talk with referees. Do this at least two weeks before the application deadline.
- Talk with Financial Aid about your current aid package.
- Complete and submit IWU Study Abroad Application and all other required forms and documents.
- Complete and submit affiliated program application if applicable.
- Complete and submit scholarship applications. Check out Scholarship project guidelines
- Complete and submit all necessary pre-departure forms before the Pre-departure orientation.
Application deadline
- Early January for Pembroke Program
- March 1 for the IWU London Program and for all other fall, summer, and academic-year study abroad
- April 15 for the IWU Spain Program
- October 1 for all other spring study abroad programs