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General Information

Medical History 

All incoming students are required by State of Illinois law to produce a copy of their immunization history to the university within six weeks of the first day of classes. Failure to comply will cause the student's registration for second semester to be place on HOLD. This information can be uploaded into the new patient portal which will be available the summer of 2023.


Immunization Requirements

Required Vaccines:

    • Two doses of MMR at least 28 days apart after 12 months of age
    • Those born after January 1, 1957 are exempt
    • Three doses of DTP, DTAP, DT, TD, OR TDAP with one dose of TDAP in the past 10 years
    • One dose given after the age of 16

Vaccines recommended by the ACHA : 

  • COVID-19 VACCINE  Three doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or two doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Students are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after the last dose of any series.


    • Any student requiring a medical exemption should submit a written statement by their medical provider indicating the nature and probable duration of the medical condition or circumstances that contraindicates those immunizations.

Absence and Medical Leave

When a student is ill or injured, treatment is available at Arnold Health Services Monday through Friday during our regular office hours. Health Services does not provide excuses for absences from classes or exams. Students are urged to contact their professors in regards to their absence. If a student is ill at home, hospitalized, or expects to be absent for an extended period, please notify the Dean of Students Office.

Illinois Public Health regulations mandate that individuals with communicable diseases not reside in group-living environments; therefore, students diagnosed with diseases such as, but not limited to, measles, mumps, and chicken pox, will be required to recuperate at their home off campus. A physician letter of release, with appropriate limitations and restrictions, must be received in Health Services prior to the student's return to campus. The letter must state that the individual is able to return to campus without risk to themselves or to others.

Notify Your Professor

Notify your professor (in advance if possible) of your absence due to illness An example email is as follows. Please edit based on your personal situation:

Professor Smith:

I am sick and unable to attend class today and likely for the next two days. I have 
consulted with Arnold Health Services to have a plan for my recovery. I will stay on top of 
the readings, get notes from someone in the class, and do all I can to stay prepared. 
I have an assignment due tomorrow and am worried that I'm not well enough to give it my best. 
Is there a possibility for a brief extension? I want to do well in your class and hope this 
illness doesn't set me back. I appreciate any advice about making up work.

Thank you,
Tommy Titan


Confidentiality & HIPAA

The Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), is the first comprehensive federal protection guideline for the privacy of health information. The rule gives individuals greater access to their medical records and assurance of increased protection of their personal health information.

Medical records are maintained by Arnold Health Services and must remain in Health Services. Medical information is not released by any member of the Health Services Staff, to parents, legal guardians, faculty, university administration or any other entity without written consent, except in a life-threatening situation. Consistent care is exercised to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.