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Saeed Andaji Garmaroudi

Saeed Andaji Garmaroudi

Visiting Instructor of Psychology
Linda Kunce

Linda Kunce

Associate Professor

Autism Spectrum Disorders; Child psychopathology; Family issues; Intervention and high-functioning individuals; Attachment processes; Application of psychology in sustaining the self, society, and environment

Mignon Montpetit

Mignon Montpetit

Associate Professor
Life-Span Development

Adult development and aging; Stress and coping (e.g., personality, social support, community factors); Research methods and statistics; Cultural influences on development

Marie Nebel-Schwalm

Marie Nebel-Schwalm

Assistant Professor

Improving body image and reducing mental health stigma

Jason Themanson

Jason Themanson


Relationship between neural activity and pitch perception in baseball; Self-regulation and action monitoring: Neural activity during cognitive tasks and social interactions

Amanda Vicary

Amanda Vicary

Associate Professor

Crime and the criminal justice system; People’s interest in crime books and podcasts; Impact of crime TV shows

Joe Williams

Joe Williams

Associate Professor and Department Chair

Biological and neural mechanisms of physical and social pain; The role of the hippocampus, amygdala and frontal lobes in learning and memory; Effects of alcohol on learning and memory

Amanda Vicary - Associate Professor of Business

Department - School Of Business And Economics