Mental Health Immersion Semester
The Mental Health Immersion Semester (MHIS) provides a distinctive learning experience for IWU students interested in mental health topics or mental health-related careers.
Similar to the best May Term courses or Study Abroad experiences, MHIS immerses students in an exciting variety of academic and experiential learning opportunities. MHIS students deepen their knowledge of mental health and develop professional skills through:
Scholarly coursework: MHIS Students enroll in
2 seminars exclusively for MHIS students (PSYC 300/400 credits)
1-2 additional courses tied to the mental health theme
Experiential learning, such as
Regional travel (2-3 day Chicago trip, local site visits)
Direct interaction with mental-health experts
Mental Health First Aid Training
Student Signature Projects
MHIS students conduct an original applied project, such as developing a workshop for IWU students on a mental health topic
Students are mentored by MHIS faculty as they design, implement and document their project
Integrative Learning. As they study complex mental health topics, MHIS students seek to integrate their scholarly learning with
Knowledge gained in other academic courses
Personal experiences & career goals
Development of professional skills
Broader social issues related to diversity, inclusion, & stigma reduction
Is This For Me?
Explore your interests in mental health topics and related careers:
Practical Information: Timeline, Eligibility & Commitment
MHIS is offered in alternate years, beginning in Spring 2019
Interested students may contact the MHIS co-directors (Dr. Linda Kunce,, Dr. Marie Nebel-Schwalm, at any time to learn more about MHIS
Students seeking to enroll should apply during the preceding semester
Eligible students
12 - 16 students will be admitted
Psychology majors & minors preferred, but open to other students (space permitting)
Junior/senior students; sophomores may be eligible in special circumstances
Cost: There are no additional tuition or MHIS course fees. Regular IWU tuition will cover MHIS expenses, including travel.
Time Commitments:
MHIS students participate in important experiential learning activities outside of regular class hours (such as travel, signature project work)
Most MHIS students, however, should be able to maintain their regular IWU commitments (such as work study, athletics)
Inclusion: MHIS directors seek to create a program climate in which all students feel comfortable and able to learn to the best of their ability. Prospective MHIS students are encouraged to talk with program directors about needed adaptations for any special characteristics, abilities or circumstances.

Linda Kunce - Associate Professor of Psychology
Department - Psychology