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Linda Kunce

Associate Professor of Psychology

Office Number:
Linda Kunce

Area of Study

Clinical Psychology

Doctoral Education

State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994

Academic and Research Interests

Autism Spectrum Disorders
Child Psychopathology
Family issues
Intervention and high-functioning individuals
Attachment processes
Application of Psychology in sustaining the self, society, and environment

Ongoing Research

What is the nature and impact of the sibling relationship on children with autism spectrum disorders and their typically developing peers?
What do parents know about the nature of that sibling relationship?
In what ways do college students experience their sibling relationships? How are they influenced by them?
How can teacher-parent collaboration when a child has autism be improved?
What are the essential elements of an effective intervention program for high functioning children with autism?
To what degree are practice parameters for autism diagnosis being carried out in practice?

Classes Taught at IWU

Psyc 215 - Abnormal Psychology
Psyc 227 - Statistics
Psyc 317 - Tests and Measurements
Psyc 335 - Counseling and Psychotherapy
Special topics - Helping Skills, Autism, Disorders of Childhood

Department Roles

Faculty advisor for academic internships in psychology
IWU advisor for the 3-2 Occupational Therapy (OT) Program with Washington University
IWU Autism Social Support Group coordinator