Mathematics News
Archived News from 2016.
(10-19-16) The 30th Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics and Combinatorial Computing (MCCCC30) was held last weekend at nearby Illinois State University. This conference was held in honor of Prof. Mike Plantholt, who teaches at both ISU and IWU. There were 5 people from IWU giving talks on their research.
- Jinze Zheng '17 gave a talk entitled "Duals of Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials and Euler Numbers and Polynomials."
- William O'Conner '17 gave a talk entitled "Counting Multigraph Pairs of Orders 2 and 3."
- Ximing Dong '18 gave a talk entitled "Tridiagonal and Hessenberg Matrices Representing Recursive Number Sequences."
- Prof. Andrew Shallue gave a talk entitled "New ideas for tabulating Baille-PSW pseudoprimes."
- Prof. Trevor McGuire gave a talk entitled "A High Dimensional Version of Frobenius Numbers."
Prof. McGuire and Prof. Shallue at MCCCC30. |
Ximing Dong '18 at MCCCC30. |
(9-28-16) Prof. Seung-Hwan Lee published the following articles, the second of which was co-authored by Prof. Jeungbo Shim from University of Colorado, Denver.
- "On the Estimators and Tests for the Semiparametric Hazards Regression Model." Lifetime Data Analysis , 22, 531-546 (2016).
- "A new test procedure for the choice of dependence structure in risk measurement: Application to the U.S. and UK stock market indices." Applied Economics: incorporating Applied Financial Economics , 48, 1382-1389 (2016)
(9-26-16) Today the department held our first brown-bag lunch of the year. A presentation was given by four alums who all happen to be employed as actuaries at Allstate: Ashley Borchardt '09, Scott Klepetka '13, Derek England '15, and Christine Peterson '16. The four also spent the day talking with current students interested in becoming actuaries, as well as participating in an internship fair held on campus.
(6-16-16) The first ever workshop on the Riordan group, held at IWU, is nearing its conclusion this week. The workshop is being conducted by Prof. Lou Shapiro (Howard University) with Prof. Tian-Xiao He (IWU). Nine students are participating and enjoying every minute of it.
The workshop will be followed by the 3rd International Symposium on Riordan Arrays and Related Topics (RART), held on IWUs campus. This symposium will bring together researchers from all over the world to discuss current research topics surrounding Riordan arrays. Many IWU students will have the chance to participate in the symposium through presenting their research results, attending talks, and conversing with some of the leading mathematicians in the field.
(3-25-16) Our third brown-bag lunch of the semester was held today. Tung Nguyen '15 took a break from his graduate studies in mathematics at UW-Madison to talk about all aspects of applying for, and being a graduate student in math.

(3-10-16) The first two brown-bag lunches of the semester have occurred over the last three weeks. We had the following two excellent talks.
- Math Education Panel Discussion: Becoming a Mathematics Teacher. Panelists: Gina Mayer '16 (secondary math ed.), Lauren McAnally '16 (elementary ed.), Alex Burnside '16 (elementary ed.), Angela Herrmann '16 (elementary ed.), and Annie Oliveri '16 (elementary ed.) .
- Mathematica. Speaker: IWU's Associate Director of Prospect Research, Management, and Analytics, Michael Morrison '03.
(2-5-16) Prof. Tian-Xiao He published the following articles in 2015. Two were with IWU math alumnus Tung Nguyen '15.
- "Matrix characterizations of Riordan arrays.'' Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 465 (2015), 15-42.
- (with J. H.-C. Liao and P. J.-S. Shiue) ``The Pascal Matrix Function and Its Applications to Bernoulli Numbers and Bernoulli Polynomials and Euler Numbers and Euler Polynomials.'' Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 6 (2014), No. 3, 189-207.
- (with Tung Nguyen '15) ``Construction of spline type orthogonal scaling functions and wavelets.'' Journal of Applied Functional Analysis, 10 (2014), No. 3-4, 189-203.
- (With Peter J. -S. Shiue) Algorithms for enumeration problem of linear congruence modulo m as sum of restricted partition numbers. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 10 (2015), no. 1, 69-89.
- "Construction of nonlinear expression for recursive number sequences.'' Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 35 (2015), No. 5, 473-483.
- (with J. H.-C. Liao and P. J.-S. Shiue) "Stirling numbers and the Pascal matrix function.'' Science China Mathematics, 45 (2015), No. 9, 1563-1572.
- (with Tung Nguyen '15) ``Wavelet analysis and applications in economics and finance.'' Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences, 1 (2015), No. 1, 1-16.
(1-27-16) The New Year was welcomed with actuarial success. Keyuan Wan '17 passed the Probability actuarial exam earlier this month.