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Math Immersion

The Math Immersion program is a sequence of four courses Math majors take each spring. Math Immersion I serves as an introduction to the culture of the math program at IWU. Requirements of this course are accruing at least 5 math immersion points throughout the year, creating a math portfolio that will be maintained throughout each students time at IWU, and meeting once per semester with the math faculty advising group. 

Math Immersion II requires accruing at least 5 math immersion points throughout the year, maintaining the portfolio including completion of a 2-year plan, and meeting with the math faculty advising group once per semester. A sophomore project must be approved by the project advisor and completed by the end of the sophomore year. 

Math Immersion lll requires accruing at least 5 math immersion points throughout the year, maintaining the portfolio,and meeting with the math faculty advising group once per semester. A declaration for the capstone experience must be submitted and approved by the project advisor by the end of the junior year. 

Math Immersion lV requires accruing at least 5 math immersion points throughout the year, finalizing the portfolio including a reflection on the capstone experience, and meeting with the math faculty advising group once per semester.