Student Code of Conduct
The standards articulated in the Student Code of Conduct construct and maintain a community that is safe, support an educational focus, and provides for just and equitable interactions among all students. Its administration is an intentional process with the goal of fostering students' intellectual, social, ethical and personal development. Code violations broadly divide into three areas: violations of responsibilities to self, to others, and to our Illinois Wesleyan community. While an Illinois Wesleyan student, these standards apply to you on and off campus and in virtual spaces.
Students are expected to be cognizant and observant of all University policies, local ordinances, and state laws.
Although our philosophy on the impact of violations fits into three categories, violations of responsibilities to self, others, and the IWU community, we understand these categories are often blended as violations can impact multiple facets of our community. The diagram below provides a visual example for the overlapage that is at play with violations on campus.
A full listing of violations can be found below in alphabetical order.
A. Alcohol
Illinois Wesleyan University prohibits the unlawful possession, distribution, dispensation,
or manufacture of alcohol and/or any illegal substance on University or University-affiliated
property. At the same time, the University shall offer programs and procedures that
enhance safe and responsible behavior of all persons relative to the legal use of
alcohol in relation to campus life. See alcohol policy.
B. Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller-blades and Hoverboards
Violations shall consist of:
- Bicycle riding, skateboarding or roller-blading and hoverboards, inside any building at any time.
- Bicycles blocking entryways, doors, stairwell banisters, or handicap ramps. These bikes will be picked up by Security. Parked bicycles should be locked at all times.
- Please note the Abandoned Bike Policy:
policy.html - The use of hoverboards on campus is prohibited.
C. Careless Conduct
Careless conduct which creates an unnecessary risk of physical harm including, but
not limited to:
- Riding on the top of an elevator.
- Climbing or rappelling from walls or physical structures.
- Unauthorized entry into campus steam tunnels, air handling ducts, plumbing, electrical or other utilities conduits.
- Unauthorized access to roof tops; closed sections of buildings including decorative/architectural balconies and landings; closed building sites; or other restricted areas.
Violators are subject to a $500 fine.
D. Discrimination and Racial Abuse/Harassment Policy
Illinois Wesleyan University does not tolerate harassment or hostility based on age,
race, religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender identity and expression,
disability, or national origin. See harassment and intolerance policy.
E. Disturbance of the Peace
Violations shall consist of:
- Noise or action creating a nuisance.
F. Drugs (chemical stimulants, depressants, hallucinogenics, marijuana, narcotics, etc.)
Violation shall consist of:
- Possession, manufacture, use or distribution of any drug in violation of law.
- Misuse of prescription drugs including but not limited to:
- Selling of prescribed medication
- Giving away of prescribed medication
- Drug Paraphernalia. Including but not limited to:
- Possession of any items that are designed for the use of drugs (bowls, bongs, etc.).
- Any items fashioned for the purpose of facilitating drug use will also be considered a violation of this policy.
- Hookahs are not allowed on campus.
- Possession, use or distribution of alcoholic beverages on university property in violation of law.
While Illinois law allows limited medical marijuana use; using and possessing marijuana in any form remains a crime under federal law. As a recipient of federal funding, such as financial aid and federal grants and contracts for research, IWU is required to continue to prohibit the use and possession of all federally controlled substances – including marijuana for medical uses. Consequently, such activity will remain prohibited by IWU policy and the IWU Student Conduct Code.
At the federal level, the Controlled Substances Act states that the growing and use of marijuana is a crime and federal enforcement agencies can prosecute users and growers of marijuana, regardless of state law. In addition to being a federal offense, the use of medical marijuana in the workplace and on campus is restricted by additional federal laws, such as the federal Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act. It is those federal laws that require IWU to prohibit the use of marijuana, including for medical purposes, on campus.
G. Failure to Respond to or Comply with a University Official
Failure to respond to or comply with a reasonable request by an authorized University
official, including failure of a student to present his/her university identification
card when requested by an authorized University official. Among those officials who
may request a student's identification are staff members from the following areas:
building desk reception workers, bookstore, dining hall, faculty members, library
staff, residence hall staff members, Security and any staff member within the Division
of Student Affairs. Upon request of the student questioned, the University official
must show identification and state the source of his/her authority.
H. Financial Obligations
Students not meeting financial obligations to the University are in violation of conduct
code. Students in violation have the right to appeal. Appeals should be sent to
the office from which the billing originated.
- Appeals of University charges related to tuition and fees or financial aid, must be made in writing to the Business Office.
- Appeals of assessments, fees and bills originating from within the Division of Student Affairs, with the exception of traffic/parking violations, must be made in writing within 90 days of issuance.
- Traffic/parking appeals must be made to Security within 2 working days of issuance.
I. Fire Escapes
Use of fire escapes is permitted in emergency situations only.
J. Fireworks, Explosives and Hazardous Materials
Possession, manufacture or use of fireworks or explosives on University property is
expressly forbidden.
- Definition of these items includes, but is not limited to: Firecrackers or sparklers, gunpowder, incendiary devices, and unstable or hazardous chemicals, except for those stored and used in appropriate laboratory facilities.
- No flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline or kerosene may be stored in University housing.
K. Freedom of Expression or Movement
Violations shall consist of but are not limited to:
- Preventing a speaker or those listening to him/her from voicing or hearing his/her ideas.
- Using physical means or other forms of intimidation to impede the legitimate entrance or exit of anyone into or from any university facility.
- Physical restraint or intimidation of those wishing to talk with authorized recruiters.
L. Fundraising
Authorized fundraising efforts by clubs and organizations are permissible and must
adhere to campus fundraising policies. See fundraising policy.
M. Gambling
The State of Illinois and the City of Bloomington statutes prohibit gambling.
N. Graffiti
Graffiti which defaces public or personal property or which defames an individual
or group is prohibited. In addition to University restrictions, some graffiti, because
of its offensive nature, may qualify under Illinois law as a hate crime. See University Policy Statement on Graffiti.
O. Hazing
The University forbids hazing.
Hazing is defined as: Any action or situation created to produce mental, emotional,
psychological, or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, intimidation, or
ridicule, regardless of the individual's willingness to participate.
- Nothing can be done which involves the possibility of physical injury.
- Individuals will not be required to violate their personal or moral convictions as a condition of initiation.
- The initiation (or activities leading to initiation) cannot in any way interfere with a student's ability to discharge properly all of his or her academic obligations.
Examples include but are not limited to paddling, creation of excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shocks, public stunts and buffoonery, and morally degrading or humiliating games and activities. Initiations will not be a public nuisance or disturbance.
In addition to University restrictions against hazing, the State of Illinois has statutes
that prohibit hazing. See University Policy Statement on Hazing.
P. Honesty
Violations governed by the All-University Judicial Committee consist of:
- Intentional falsification of data for use in University operations.
- Forgery of documents or signatures for use in University operations.
- Failure to give truthful and complete testimony at a disciplinary hearing conducted by the All-University Judicial Committee or the Vice President and Dean of Students.
- Lying, misrepresenting and/or withholding information or facts to a University official.
Violations governed by the Office of the Provost consist of: - Plagiarism
- Cheating
Every student has the responsibility to become informed about what constitutes plagiarism
and cheating. See statement on plagiarism.
Disciplinary Action for both of the above (5 and 6):
- For the first offense, the student's grade in the course shall be penalized at the discretion of the instructor and depending on the circumstances of the case. The maximum penalty is an "F" for course. The student's name shall be put on file in the Office of the Associate Provost of the Faculty, and a note of the offense shall be sent to the student's advisor for counseling purposes. The student is automatically placed on disciplinary probation.
- For the second offense, whether in the same course or another, the student shall be referred to the Academic Appeals Board with a recommendation for separation from the University.
Offenses are cumulative and therefore carry from year to year.
Q. Misuse of Information Technology (IT)
Inappropriate use of University computing systems or network is prohibited. Please observe specific IT guidelines and policies.
R . Keys
Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any University premises or
unauthorized entry even through an unlocked door or use of University premises is
S. Misuse of Identification Cards
Violations shall consist of, but are not limited to:
- Improper use of identification card, including knowingly altering or mutilating a student identification card
- Using the identification card of another
- Allowing one's own card to be used by another in an improper manner.
T . Personal Injury
Violations shall consist of but are not limited to:
- Conduct causing personal injury to self or others.
- Fighting.
- Verbal threat to cause personal injury to self or others.
- Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or
other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person including,
but not limited to, the following:
- Direct oral expression or physical gesture or action.
- Notes, letters, U.S. mail, campus mail, or other forms of written communication.
- Telephone calls or phone messages including obscene, threatening or mischievous calls.
- E-mail or other computer-based methods of communication.
- Threats against persons or property.
- Stalking behavior in which an individual willfully, maliciously and repeatedly engages in a knowing course of conduct directed at a specific person which reasonably and seriously alarms, torments, or terrorizes the person, and which serves no legitimate purpose.
- Conduct causing personal injury to self or others.
U. Posting and Chalking
In the spirit of the mission of Illinois Wesleyan, members of the community including
student organizations are free to examine and discuss all questions of interest to
them and express opinions publicly and privately. To promote this atmosphere of expression
members of the community are obligated to take responsibility for that expression
and to respect the expression of others. Please observe specific guidelines .
V. Safety Regulations
Violations shall consist of but are not limited to:
- Abuse or misuse of safety equipment such as exit and exterior lights, security cameras, blue light alarms and telephones, stair rails, fire alarms, extinguishers and fire exits.
- Failure to observe all other safety regulations applying to specific living units (including those governing use of electrical appliances and cooking).
- Improper use of telephones (i.e. inappropriate use/vandalism of emergency telephones, or tampering with telephones).
- Possession, use or distribution of weapons including but not limited to firearms, pellet or BB guns, air rifles, pistols, paintball guns, explosive devices and sparklers (including fireworks), slingshots, and knives.
- Refusal to vacate rooms or building after building alarm sounds (for tornado or fire warning) or at the direction of a university official.
- Tampering with any elevator, wiring, plumbing, or university alarm systems.
- Theft, damage, and/or misuse of fire fighting or fire prevention equipment (i.e. improper activation of alarm system).
- Throwing or dropping any object or material from a University building window, balcony, stairwell or roof.
- Unauthorized burning, careless or malicious use of fire.
- Because of the significant risk of fire, hoverboards are not allowed in any campus buildings, including residential facilities.
W. Theft or Destruction of Property
Violations shall consist of, but are not limited to:
- Theft of University property or University-affiliated property or personal property including unauthorized use of another student's ID, meal plan or credit/debit card.
- Damage to University property or University-affiliated property or personal property.
- Failure to return borrowed items from Ames Library or other University office. Damage, loss or failure to return University-owned bicycles.
- Unauthorized possession or disposition of University, University-affiliated, or personal property of others.
- Vandalism
X. Traffic and Parking Violations
Students must register their vehicles and display their permit at all times. Registration
and permits are provided free of charge. Students must park in designated student
parking lots only.
The Security Department will issue tickets for all violations occurring on University
property including:
- Failure to register vehicle or display decal.
- Parking on campus walks, grass, or in drives.
- Parking in a restricted area.
- Improper parking.
- Overtime parking (15 minute limit in the lot by Holmes Hall and 30 minute limit in the three posted spots by the IT Service Center).
- No parking zone.
- Parking in a fire lane.
- Unauthorized driving on sidewalks or the Quad.
Violation fines:
- Failure to Register Vehicle or Display Decal is $20. The first violation for this offense will be waived if the vehicle is registered within 48 hours.
- Driving on sidewalks is $200; driving on Quad is $275.
- All other violations are $10 fines.
All fines are to be paid at the Business Office in Holmes Hall.
All appeals must be made to the Security Department within 48 hours of the issuance
of a ticket.
Vehicles are subject to towing if they are:
- Obstructing traffic
- Parking in a fire lane
- In an unsafe condition
- Stored without the permission of the Security Department
The vehicle will be towed by Brown's Wrecker Service, 302 N. Dinsmore, Bloomington, 828-3753. All charges and expenses are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.
Revocation of parking privileges:
Repeat offenders are subject to revocation of their parking privileges as determined
by the Security Department.
Y. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of the University's name, insignia,
the University logotype
Violations consist of the use of:
- The University arch
- The University name and three horizontal bars representing the University's stable foundation
- The Tommy the Titan mascot image
- The University Seal (Scientia et Sapienta).
Z. Weapons
Except as expressly provided herein, the possession, storage, or use of any firearm,
weapon, or destructive device on University property or within any University facility
by any person, except a law enforcement officer, without the prior written permission
of the University's Director of Security or his/her designee is strictly prohibited.
By way of example and without limiting the foregoing, all public spaces, including student residences; academic, athletic, and social facilities; athletic fields; and vehicles owned, leased or controlled by the University are weapons-free areas.
Prohibited weapons include but are not limited to:
- Firearm, Handgun, Firearm ammunition, BB gun, pellet, plastic or 3-D gun, paintball gun, tear gas gun, stun, taser, or other dangerous or deadly device of similar type;
- Knife with a blade of at least 3 inches in length (except an ordinary eating utensil), dagger, dirk, switchblade knife, stiletto, ax, hatchet, or other deadly or dangerous weapon or instrument of similar type;
- Bludgeon, blackjack, slingshot, sandbag, sand club, metal knuckles, billy club, throwing star, nunchaku, or other dangerous or deadly weapon of similar type;
- Bomb, bombshell, grenade, firework, bottle, or other container containing an explosive, toxic, or noxious substance, unless under academic/classroom supervision, (other than an object containing a nonlethal noxious liquid, gas, or substance designed solely for personal defense possessed by a person 18 years of age or older);
- Souvenir weapon or other weapon that has been rendered permanently inoperative; and any weapons outlined in the Illinois Compiled Statutes on Armed Violence (720 ILCA 5/33A-1, et seq.)
AA. Abuse of the university judicial process
Violations include, but are not limited to:
- Failure to respond to the summons of a judicial body or university official.
- Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information before a judicial body.
- Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a judicial proceeding.
- Institution of a judicial proceeding knowingly without cause.
- Attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of a judicial body prior to, during, and/or after a judicial proceeding.
- Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of a judicial body prior to, during, and/or after a judicial proceeding.
- Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed by a judicial body.
- Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the judicial system.
BB. Unauthorized audio or video record
Violations consist of:
Any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video recording
of any person while on University premises without his/her prior knowledge or effective
consent when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress. This includes,
but is not limited to, surreptitiously taking pictures of another person in a gym,
locker room, or restroom.
CC. Smoking
Illinois Wesleyan University is committed to creating a safe, healthy and productive
environment for its students, faculty, staff and visitors. Because environmental tobacco
smoke is one of the most widespread and harmful indoor air pollutants, IWU shall be
completely smoke-free indoors. This smoke-free policy shall apply to all IWU facilities
and vehicles, owned or leased, regardless of location. IWU owned houses/apartments
used as private rentals are exempt from this policy.
Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes, vaporizers and related products,
is therefore not allowed in the residence halls. Similarly, the use of chewing tobacco,
snuff and similar products is not allowed in classrooms, non-residential buildings
or on the grounds of the campus. Students found in violation of this policy may be
subject to judicial referral.
DD. Selling, Soliciting and Canvassing
Safety and privacy for students in their residences guide the parameters for any door-to-door activity on campus. Door-to-door solicitation, sales, surveys, and canvassing are not permitted in residential areas within living units. Door-to-door campaigning, proselytizing, soliciting for money or signatures, distribution of flyers or leaflets or the placement of these items on doors or cars is similarly not allowed. Tabling in residential common areas of these buildings for individuals or groups may be arranged through Residential Life or the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. Equal time and opportunity will be given to canvassers representing other candidates, political/social ideas or referendum positions, upon request. Additionally, requests for tables in non-residential buildings and areas on campus can be requested through Events Reservations in the Memorial Center.
Compliance with Local, State and Federal Statutes
It is expected that students will conduct themselves responsibly at all times. This includes following appropriate local, state and federal statutes. Generally, behaviors restricted by local, state or federal laws are not appropriate behaviors in which to engage in on campus. Based on this principle, public indecency, for example, would be inappropriate on campus although a particular Illinois Wesleyan University Code of Conduct policy might not name it specifically.
Expectations of Students When Off Campus
The disciplinary power of the University is inherent in its responsibility to protect
its educational purposes and processes through the setting of standards of scholarship
and conduct for its students and through the regulation of the use of its facilities.
Established standards of conduct apply to a student whenever she or he is on property owned or affiliated by the University. When students are off-campus, for example studying off campus or participating in study abroad, travel courses, team travel, classes, activities, internships, sporting events, clubs or organizations, they are similarly expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the law. Student behavior off the premises of the campus that may violate any local, state, or federal law, or yields a complaint from others alleging law violations or student misconduct may be reviewed by the University.
While the University has a primary duty to supervise behavior on its premises, there are many circumstances when the off-campus behavior of students affects a substantial University interest and may warrant disciplinary action and or involvement.
Examples of student conduct committed off the campus which affects a substantial university interest are included but not limited to conduct that:
Constitutes a violation of local, state or federal law. Students traveling out of state or abroad must become cognizant of and compliant ordinances and laws of municipalities and countries.
Violates established codes of conduct. Students visiting or being hosted by another institution of higher education must abide by the policies established by that entity.
Indicates that the student may present a danger or threat to the health or safety of him/herself or others.
Significantly impinges upon the rights, property or achievements of self or others or significantly breaches the peace and/or causes social disorder.
Is detrimental to the educational or community interests of the University.

Prince Robertson - Dean of Students for Community Standards and Advocacy
Department - Dean Of Students