Parent Portal Information
Illinois Wesleyan offers a Parent Portal where students can provide electronic access to their parents to parts of their student record. We value your confidentiality and follow all federal privacy guidelines, so we’ve put a system in place that allows students control over what information can be viewed by parents.
Here’s how it works: Go into your MyIWU student account and select Banner Self Service. Then choose Parent Proxy Management. You will then provide a little information about who the person is and what information you would like them to view. The authorization menu includes the following options*:
- Midterm and/or Final Grades
- Transcript
- Class schedules
- Address information
- Financial aid records
Once you have added a parent or guardian, they will receive an email detailing how they can open their account to view the secure pages. Each of your parents will have their own unique user name/password-protected access. They will not gain access through your student account. Remember that you as the student have the right to enable or disable this online access at any time.
*Please note: This delegated access to Banner does not include the Transact system where payments for tuition and fees are processed. See how to access the Transact Payment Portal.
Parent Portal Tutorial
Watch student tutorial on Vimeo
Parent Portal FAQ
Q. What is my User Name and Password?
A. Your username is your email address. Your initial password is sent via email with
the subject "New Parent Portal Proxy Identity" and is only initiated when your account
is created by the student. You will be asked to change your password to something
you choose upon logging in the first time.
Q. What if I forgot my password?
A. The student who gave you proxy access can also initiate a password reset for you.
Please let your student know that you have lost your password and that they need to
reset your password. The student will find this "Reset Password" link on the Profile
tab at the bottom of the page.
Q. My child does not know how to authorize my access. How do they?
A. Each student can authorize parental access via the MyIWU portal. They need to click
on Banner Self Service, Parent Proxy Access, and then Proxy Management. A screen shot
of the authorization page is shown below:
Q. I've successfully logged into the portal. However, I don't see any of my child's
"secure" information. Why?
A. The secure information should appear on the tab with your students name on it. If
you do not see it, or do not see your child's information, the first step to take
is to contact your child. Each child must authorize his or her parent access to secure
information. If your child has authorized your access it should appear almost immediately.
If they authorized your access WHILE you were logged in you would need to log out,
then back in again, to see the information. If your child has authorized your access,
and you still cannot access this information, contact the IT Help Desk at (309) 556-3900.
Q. What is FERPA?
A. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the E-signature Act of 2004
are federal regulations that require the University to provide our students with a
“safe harbor” of protected access to their educational records that include personally
identifiable information. The FERPA guidelines grant sole control of the education
records of post secondary school records to the student. To comply with these regulations,
IWU asks your child to enable or leave disabled access to records for each individual
parent. Learn more about FERPA.

Karla Carney-Hall - Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Department - Dean Of Students