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International Relations and Global Development

Major sequence in International and Global Studies 

A minimum of 9 courses to include the following (at least four of the courses must be at the 300-400 level):

1) International Studies 240: Thinking Globally: An Introduction (CHC, G), offered every spring semester. 

2) International Studies 488: Senior Seminar (W), offered every fall semester.  

3) At least three courses on global Systems, Structures, and Processes curricular area (see Course Catalog for details).

4) At least three courses on Analysis of Cultural Expressions curricular area (see Course Catalog for details). 

5) A supervised academic internship (INST 397 or UNIV 398), or an independent research project (INST 450).

Starting in 2021-2022, students majoring in International and Global Studies may choose to pursue a concentration in International Relations and Global Development by taking at least four of the following courses in fulfilling requirements (3) and (4) of the IGS major:

Economics 351: International Trade (hidden pre-req of ECON 100)
Economics 352: International Finance (hidden pre-req of ECON 100)
Economics 355: Economics of Developing Countries (G)

International Studies 222: Introduction to International Human Rights (AV)

Political Science 204/304: Transitional Justice (AV)
Political Science 303: International Law and Organizations
Political Science 316: Modern Political Thought: Liberalism and its Discontents (IT, W)
Political Science/Enst 361: Globalization and the Environment (CSI, G, W)

One of these courses might be substituted by an area-specific course such as PSCI 216 Politics in Africa; PSCI 217 Politics and Society in South Africa; HIST 221 The Holocaust; or HIST 325 Modern Germany, for example.


Students entering in 2021-2022 may also pursue a Minor in International Relations and Global Development 

Minor sequence in International Relations and Global Development 

Six courses including (at least two courses must be at the 300-400 level):

1) INST 240 Thinking Globally: An Introduction (CHC, G), offered every spring semester.  

2) One experiential learning experience (internship or off-campus study experience) approved by the IGS director.

3) Four courses focused on international relations taken from the electives in the Systems, Structures, and Processes curricular area.