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Food & Drink

The Ames Library is a major academic and social hub of the campus. In appreciating the wide variety of schedules students keep, we have instituted the policy below in regard to food and drink in the library.

  • Be mindful of those around you. The spirit of the policy is respect for fellow students and library staff and care of our equipment and materials.
  • If you bring in food with strong odors, consider consuming it in an enclosed area or eating outside.
  • Please keep the library neat by disposing of or recycling your trash. If you see trash around you, pick it up.
  • Drinks should be covered to prevent spills and to protect our materials.
  • Please report large spills to a service desk immediately so that we can contact the custodial staff. Paper towels are available in all restrooms for cleaning up small spills.
  • If you order food for delivery, please wait at the front doors on the Entry level. Library staff cannot contact you when your food arrives. If no one is here to accept the delivery it will be refused.