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Information About Your Email

Your Email Address

Illinois Wesleyan provides email accounts to all Students, Faculty, and Staff. Your email address consists of two parts: your username or NetID and our domain. For example, Tommy Titan has an email address that looks like the image below: 

Email Address & NetID

The NetID is typically the first letter of your first name combined with your last name and is limited to 8 characters. Popular names sometimes have numbers appended to them (ex. Joe Smith may get a NetID like jsmith7 because of other similar names that came before him). Long names are truncated.


The Dean of Students Office requires that all students check their email address. Important information regarding classes, registration, emergency updates, and other important information is communicated via your IWU email address.

Directory Search

If you are unsure what your IWU email address & NetID are, try doing a directory search on your name. Just input your first or last name and you will get results back showing you your official IWU email address. You can also use this tool to find colleagues and friends email addresses as well.


Illinois Wesleyan University uses Google Apps for Education and as part of this service we use Gmail for our email with UNLIMITED storage for your messages. Gmail is a full-featured email client with built-in instant messaging, voice and video chat, tasks, mobile access, and spam and virus protection.

Log into your IWU Email

Gmail Features

Email Inbox
Tommy Titan's Gmail Priority Inbox
  • You can view attachments sent to you directly without having to leave your Gmail account.
  • Multiple e-mail accounts can be consolidated if desired (ex. Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.).
  • Secure Email. Google's HTTPS encryption keeps your mail secure as it travels between your web browser and Gmail servers, so no one sharing the same Wi-Fi as you can read it.
  • You can freely compose an email while also viewing your inbox. Gmail makes composing a message faster and easier and you never have to lose sight of other messages while composing your current message.
  • Gmail Mobile app enables you to use Gmail on your phone and tablet.
  • Your account has unlimited storage meaning you'll never have to worry about a full inbox or running out of storage space for all of your files.
  • Communicate efficiently and effortlessly. Gmail's input tools allow you to type in many different languages. Gmail has over 100 input tools that allow you to type in the language and keyboard layout you are accustomed to.


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Still Need Help?

Rick Lindquist - Interim Chief Information Officer

Department - Information Technology